October 10, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist leaders throughout the Inter-American Division want to take a special time to honor the more than 3,200 ministers and local pastors throughout the territory during an online program on Oct. 19, 2022, from 4:00 p.m. Miami Time.

“It’s especially important during a month when we celebrate the pastor and his family for their dedication in advancing the work of God, that we take time to express our joy and appreciation for their commitment in fulfilling the mission where they are,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial secretary for the church in Inter-America and organizer of the event.

Normally October is taken to spend time in completing certification segments from the Division, but this year in view of the IAD’s centennial celebration, the one hour-event will feature short messages and presentations from top church leaders, said Rodríguez.

[Image: Inter-American Division]

The event will also celebrate the 100 years since the ministerial association was organized by the Adventist world church.

Each pastor, along with their spouse, will receive a commemorative centennial pin with their respective years of service in their respective districts, missions, conferences, and unions during the live online program.

Local pastors who have also followed the comprehensive discipleship program in their congregations will also be specially recognized.

“Our pastoral families are so vital and important in the nurturing, growing and discipling of church leaders and members in each of their congregations and we praise God for their strength and leadership,” Rodríguez said.

To watch the live program in English, Spanish and French on Wednesday, October 19, 20222, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Miami Time, go to webcast.interamerica.org


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