October 7, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Global Public Campus Ministry Weekend is set to take place throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) with an online event and a slew of activities that will draw hundreds of Seventh-day Adventist university students who study in public campuses to be reaffirmed of their mission and urged to be agents of change in their communities.

The annual weekend event is intended to empower Adventist students to be grounded in the mission of Jesus, the church, and to reach and engage their fellow students in life-long relationship with Jesus.

Under the theme “I’m the Change Agent. I Choose to be Faithful,” the weekend will also draw young Adventist professionals to take part in fellowship, community impact and spiritual and professional development, organizers said.

“We want to encourage them to look for ways to make a difference on their campuses, in the life of other students and professors, as well as those living in the community who may need a helping hand or a project that needs to be completed,” said Pastor Hiram Ruiz, PCM director for the church in the IAD.

Kleber D. Gonçalves, director of the Global Mission Center for the Secular and Post-Christian Mission of the General Conference, will be the main keynote speaker during the morning service of Oct. 15 and will be joined by IAD leaders as well.

University students have already been encouraged to seek ways in which they can promote health initiatives or engage in projects that better the environment, said Ruiz. “They were challenged to identify an area on campus where they could plant trees, look out in the community around them to see if there is a house that looks like it’s in really bad shape, if a homeless person needs more assistance, see if potholes could be filled, and whatever else they see.”

It’s all about being that change agent as university students and young professionals who recently graduated to think outside of the box and make a lasting difference like the bible teaches through and through, added Ruiz.

The event will see each PCM associate engaged in community impact activities together on Oct. 14, and Oct. 16, and an online spiritual development program from Panama, on Saturday, Oct. 15, from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Miami Time, and 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Miami Time,  in English Spanish and French.

To watch IAD’s PCM Weekend on Oct. 15, go to webcast.interamerica.org

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