Thousands of Seventh-day Adventist leaders from throughout the Inter-American Division joined local church members during the final Grand Centennial Celebration on Oct. 29, 2022, at the East Central University’s Sports Arena in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic. The event was highlighted by dozens of church members, former IAD leaders and institutions that contributed to the growth of the church during its 100th-years of history.  [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

November 3, 2022 | San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

A century of blessings. A century of miracles. A century of growth. That’s what the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division (IAD) celebrated as it concluded its 100th year anniversary. More than 6,000 church leaders and members met in SanPedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic, on Oct. 29, 2022, to celebrate.

Coined as the Grand Centennial Celebration, the event highlighted the coordinated efforts held this year in evangelism, education and community outreach throughout the territory, and featured music, drama performances and the recognition of hundreds of former leaders and outstanding members who have and are contributing to the mission of the church in the IAD.

A young church member enjoys the music during the afternoon’s celebration in San Pedro de Macoris, Dominican Republic. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

“We are celebrating the culmination of 100 years of celebration, praising the Lord for the way the Holy Spirit has manifested itself in our territory,” declared Pastor Filiberto Verduzco, treasurer of the church in the Inter-American Division. “In the coming years we want to finish the work of the gospel here in Inter-America.”

It’s about what has happened, what is happing and what will happen, said pastor Thomas Lemon, vice president of the Adventist world church, as he greeted the congregants on behalf of Adventist World Church President Ted N.C. Wilson for 100 years of pursuing the mission of Jesus Christ. “We wish you to continue 100 more but we don’t want that to happen. Greater things are more to come,” Lemon said.


Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry (right) urges members to continue sharing the good news of the gospel much like the Adventist pioneers dedicated their lives for the mission, while Pastor Jamal Franklyn (left) translates. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Over 3,000 new members joined the church earlier during the day in hundreds of churches in the Dominican Republic and thousands more throughout the IAD during coordinated evangelistic campaigns.

Moved by the special musical drama performances, Pastor Elie Henry, said it was a great joy to celebrate together as a people of God. “100 years is a good opportunity to celebrate how God has guided us in the past, the different challenges that our pioneers had to face and the great victories reached by the church in Inter-America.” It is with the same passion for the mission that the work has expanded with that message of hope to a world that is perishing, he said.

More than 6,000 gathered to witness the finale centennial celebration of the IAD.[Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

“As Seventh-day Adventists we believe that soon and very soon we will gather for a great celebration because Jesus is coming soon,” said Pastor Henry. “God has guided us in the past and we have advanced towards the future with confidence. Our church has an important role to still play and we want to recommit to the Lord to go to the places still needed to be reached in our Division territory.”

The way to reach those impenetrable places is to continue drawing close to God in prayer in the study of His Word and dedicating our lives to finishing the work here, said Pastor Henry.  “There’s an extraordinary hope that awaits us and we must respond to His calling.”

An outstanding public campus ministry leader (left) and certified chaplain pause for a photo with Pastor Hiram Ruiz, pcm and chaplaincy ministries director for the IAD after they are awarded with a certificate and centennial medal. Two dozen more active church leaders were honored during the centennial celebration.  [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Dozens of active church members throughout the Dominican Union received a special centennial medal for their dedicated service in the 22 departments and ministries of the church. Six thousand more also received a centennial medal across the 156 conferences and missions in the IAD while the online program was held.

In addition IAD leaders recognized dozens of former workers who served in the Headquarter office, others throughout the territory, as well as institutions and organizations that have contributed to the achievement of the mission. Among those institutions recognized included Loma Linda University Health for outstanding contribution and collaboration in strengthening Adventist hospitals and clinics with resources and medical services throughout in the IAD for more than seventy years. Similarly to AdventHealth for their resources and medical services throughout Adventist hospitals in the IAD for over 20 years.  ADRA International, Adventist World Radio, ShareHim Ministries, USAID, Unicef, Maranatha Volunteers International, Atlantic Union Conference and Latter Day Saints Charities were also recognized.

Monty Jacobs of Global Missions at AdventHealth holds the award on behalf of his healthcare organization for the decades they have for provided resources and medical services throughout Adventist hospitals in the IAD for over 20 years. Pastor Elie Henry, IAD President (center) and Pastor Thomas Lemon, vice president of the Adventist world church smile on. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

The event drew local government officials who praised the work of the church in the nation and dozens of national television, radio and print media covered the centennial celebration.

Church leaders also unveiled the a limited edition of the milestones of the Seventh-day Adventist Church throughout its 100 years titled “Celebrating His Providence.” The new picture book includes English, Spanish and French description written by Vladimir Polanco, editor of IADPA, and will be distributed throughout the IAD territory before the end of the year.

L-R: Dr. Jaime Castrejon, his wife Gloria, Pastor Josney Rodriguez, ministerial secretary of the IAD, and Mrs. Evelyn and Pastor Ivan Omaña, pose for a photo after they were honored during the centennial celebration. Both copules served as ministerial secretaries at the IAD Headquarter Office in Miami, Florida, United States. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

“We praise God for each one who has played a significant part in advancing the work in the Inter-American Division,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD and main organizer of the event. “This is a team effort that we have worked on together during the last 200 years.”

Pointing to the ultimate goal of preparing a people for the Second Coming of Jesus, Braham encouraged those gathered and viewers “to continue to be energized by these priorities that have helped shape us as a remnant people of God: from whence we came, where we are, where we are going, educating, evangelizing and serving the community.”

Pastor Paulino Puello, president of the church in the Dominican Republic, speaks to the  national print, radio and television media on the values and contribution of the Adventist Church in the nation and around the globe during the grand centennial celebration in San Pedro de Macoris. [Photo: Abel Márquez/IAD]

To watch Inter-American Division’s Grand Centennial Celebration of Oct. 29, 2022, follow:

In English, HERE

In Spanish, HERE

In French, HERE

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