December 27, 2022 | New South Whales, Australia | John Tausere, Adventist Record
A casual daily morning walk by the Adventist Church’s Trans-Pacific Union Mission (TPUM) office staff has become a movement and is encouraging church leaders and members throughout the TPUM territory to stay active. TPUM is based in Suva, Fiji.
The initiative, now named Walk4Life, started small when TPUM president Maveni Kaufononga invited office staff to join him and his wife each morning from Monday to Friday on a 30-minute walk starting at 5:00 a.m.
The Trans-Pacific Union Mission Walk4Life team. [Photo: Adventist Record]
Pastors, teachers, and church members are encouraged to post a picture of themselves or the group they walked with each morning and upload it to the page. This has inspired many around different Pacific countries to post from their various locations and share their exercise experience.
Tipalelupe Tapuai from American Samoa joined the movement after being influenced by the pictures shared on the Facebook page. “Every day I’d see pictures posted on the Walk4Life message group and page from TPUM leaders in Kiribati, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and others,” Tapuai said. “I thought to myself, If they, in their busy schedule, can do it, why can’t I?”
Fiji Mission Box-fit team. [Photo: Adventist Record]
Samoa and Tokelau Mission secretary Neru Nuuialii shared that he also has lost almost 14 pounds (6 kg) since joining the program. Nuuialii not only does morning walks but also posts pictures of him and his family working in their garden. He shares quotes from church co-founder Ellen White of how working in the garden is beneficial and profitable to the health and wellbeing of the family.
Kiribati Mission president Taabua Rokeatau shared that he also has made many lifestyle changes since joining the program and encourages his team and church members in Kiribati to join him.
Fiji Mission president Nasoni Lutunaliwa working in his flower garden. [Photo: Adventist Record]
TPUM health director and 10,000 Toes Campaign coordinator George Kwong is excited about the potential this project has to promote more healthy habits in the community. “Our 10,000 Toes Campaign wishes to see wellness hubs across the TPUM region. Wellness hubs are locations, places, and anywhere that people gather for regular healthy activities. Walk4Life has become the fastest-growing mobile wellness hub in our region. The participation from our leaders and pastors is inspiring as this movement becomes a conduit for healthy living in our communities,” he said.
Kiribati president Taabua Rokeatau and the walk4life team. [Photo: Adventist Record]
Kaufononga continues to promote the program wherever he goes around the Pacific.
The original version of this story was posted by Adventist Record.