Pathfinders get baptized during the last ceremony of Inter-America’s Pathfinder Camporee in Trelawny Multipurpose Stadium in Jamaica, Apr. 8, 2023. Camporees are a special time when Pathfinders and Master Guides choose to get baptized together with their friends and clubs. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

April 21, 2023 | Trelawny, Jamaica | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Getting baptized at a Pathfinder Camporee is something that Juanito Gómez always wanted to do since he was 10 years old. Gomez, now 14, from San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico, saw himself siting among other Pathfinders waiting to get baptized at the Trelawny Multipurpose Stadium in Jamaica, on Apr. 7, 2023.

“In 2019, I had decided that I wanted to get baptized at the next large camporee in Chiapas, but then the pandemic hit and that didn’t happen,” said Juanito. When he heard about the Inter-America’s Pathfinder Camporee to be held in 2023, he told his parents he wanted to get baptized in Jamaica.  As he got into the pool by the stage with a few other Pathfinders, his parents and three sisters watched quietly. After he was baptized, his family encircled and hugged him.

Pastor Daniel Torreblanca (center) youth ministries director of the Chiapas Mexican Union, stands next to Angel Morales (left) and Juanito Gómez after baptism at the TrelawnyMultipurpose Stadium in Jamaica, Apr. 8, 2023. Both had been waiting to get baptized at a large camporee for more than three years. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Waiting to get baptized at a special event like a territory-wide camporee with so many different cultures and countries represented is something he will always treasure, said Juanito. “To have my sisters here with me and my parents makes me feel so happy here.” They spent the week camping together with the 120-member delegation from Chiapas.

“I am so thankful for everything God has done for me and my family,” said Juanito. “I want to commit my life to Jesus, to testify to others that Jesus is coming soon.”

Juanito was one of two Pathfinders from Chiapas who was baptized during the camporee. Angel Morales, 16, from the town of Tecpatán, was the second, now a Maester Guide. “I’ve been waiting to get baptized at a camporee since 2020,” said Angel.  It’s a surreal moment to be in such a place with so many cultures, so many people who believe the same faith, he said. Angel’s brother, who is a Master Guide, rushed to hug him as he stepped out of the pool.

Juanito Gómez (center) stands next to his parents and sisters moments after he was baptized on Apr. 7, 2023. His family did not want to miss is baptisms so they traveled and camped out with the Chiapas Mexican delegation. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

The experience reassured Angel that he has to be more involved in mission, in reaching the community. “I want to be an instrument that Jesus can use to help other people learn about the message of the gospel,” he said.

Pastor Daniel Torreblanca, youth ministries director of the Chiapas Mexican Union, baptized both Juanito and Angel. Torreblanca congratulated them on their decision to follow Jesus wholeheartedly.

“This is a special and significant moment for them because they met Jesus in their clubs,” said Torreblanca. “This is the reason why the clubs and their faith in Jesus are closely related.”

Angel Morales receives a big hug from his brother after his baptism on Friday evening, Apr. 7, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

A camporee is the largest gathering for clubs and that is why there is a great symbolism of being baptized in one, explained Torreblanca.  “The clubs are where they make friends with their peers and with Jesus.”

Leaders have a great responsibility to ensure that clubs are not a place to entertain young people, he said. “Jesus must be a part of every activity held at the clubs so that they can get to know Jesus and build good friendships,” Torreblanca said.

Hadassah Velázquez, 12, found herself standing next to her father on Apr. 8, 2023, the last scheduled baptismal session of the camporee. She had been drawn to baptism during one of the evening worship services, but because her mom and brothers were not there she was a little torn. “I kept telling myself, okay I will tomorrow, and then the next day I would say tomorrow, but when Friday came I remember just saying ‘Ok I’m going to do it,’” said Hadassah.

Hadassah Velázquez, 12, leans on her father Pastor Efrain Velázquez and share tears and an embrace after she was baptized during the camporee, on Apr. 8, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

As they sat together, her father, Pastor Efraín Velázquez, felt bittersweet emotions. His wife was not able to be present for Hadassah’s baptism, but both parents had decided that if their daughter felt moved to be baptized then they would both support her. Pastor Velázquez knew how much camporees mean to young people, having taken his three sons, now ages 24, 20 and 17, to division-wide camporees in the recent past.

Before being baptized, Hadassah was excited and on the verge of tears. She was determined to not miss this opportunity, and she wanted her father to baptize her. She began bible study classes last summer at her Pathfinder Club in Isabella, in northwestern Puerto Rico, to prepare for this moment.

Pastor Richner A. Fleury (left) youth ministries director of the Haitian Union shares a moment with a Pathfinder before he is baptized, on Apr. 7, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Velázquez, who serves as president of the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (IATS), said he felt many emotions. “I was still somewhat shocked but so happy she had answered the call to be baptized,” said Velázquez. “Baptism is not a Quinceañera party, nor a social activity. It is the work of the Holy Spirit.” As Hadassah was brought up from the water, both she and her father shared tears of joy while her pastor, head elder and peers celebrated.

For Josias Gómez, 12, answering the call to get baptized was not hard. He and his mom had gone through so many hurdles just to get to Jamaica. Josias, who is from San Luis Potosí, came with the 190-member delegation from the North Mexican Union. He had not decided to get baptized before the camporee, but was moved to do so on the last day.  “I Just couldn’t miss getting baptized at this great event,” he said. “I’ve been in Pathfinders for two years now and I’m so excited to be here to meet so many new friends and learn new things.” Josias said he’s thankful for the sacrifices his parents made to get him to be part of the camporee in Jamaica. “My dad has not been baptized yet, but I will pray for him and share more about Jesus.”

Josias Gómez (right) from the San Luis Potosi, in the North Mexican Union, stands next to his mom Yolotl Chaltal Garcíaa on the last day of the camporee on Apr. 8, 2023. He decided to get baptized during one of the devotional sessions during the week. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

It was a tear-jerking moment for Elder and Master Guide Damion Manderson from the Waterford Seventh-day Adventist Church in Central Jamaica, who baptized his son Zachery and nephew Orlando Clarke, both eight years old. Both boys are part of the Adventurers Club at the church and made the decision to get baptized before the sun began to set on Sabbath afternoon, at the Trelawny Multipurpose Stadium on Apr. 8, 2023.

“I am feeling very overwhelmed,” said Manderson. “It is indeed a privilege, and with unspeakable joy, I conduct this baptism. I am indeed humbled.”


Master Guide and Church Elder Damion Manderson, from the Waterford Seventh-day Adventist Church, in the Central Jamaica Conference, looks on after baptizing his son Zachery (right) and his nephew, Orlando Clarke, (left) on Apr. 8, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Earlier that morning, Manderson said his younger son Ace had been baptized. The boys added to the over 120 Pathfinders and Master Guides and Adventurers who were baptized during Inter-American Division’s Pathfinder Camporee in Trelawny, Jamaica, held Apr. 4-8, 2023.

Dyhann Buddoo-Fletcher contributed to this article.

To watch the camporee’s programs of Apr. 8, 2023, visit

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To watch daily recap videos during the 5th Inter-American Pathfinder Camporee, click HERE


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