April 13, 2023 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | Ted N.C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Ted Wilson (TW): Greetings, Friends. Today as we continue our journey through the book, The Great Controversy, we return to Germany, where, as we read in Chapter 10, the entire country was agitated as thousands of people wondered what had happened to Martin Luther. Wild rumors circulated, with many believing the Reformer had been murdered. Some banded together, determined to avenge his death, and the Roman Church leaders were terrified when they saw the level of anger against them.  

Nancy Wilson (NW):Eventually, news came that Luther was alive, although being kept a prisoner for his own safety. This somewhat calmed things down and the Reformer’s writings were read even more eagerly, with many more people joining the Reformation.  

TW: But Satan was not idle, and he brought in a counterfeit to discredit the work of Martin Luther and other Reformers, seeking to destroy the work of the Reformation. A few men rose up, claiming to have direct revelation from heaven and dismissing the authority of the Bible.  

NW: “They rejected the great principle which was the very foundation of the Reformation,” writes Ellen White, “that the word of God is the all-sufficient rule of faith and practice . . . By this act of setting aside the great detector of error and falsehood the way was opened for Satan to control minds as best pleased himself” (The Great Controversy, p. 186). 

TW:  And you know, friends, the same is true today. When we set aside the Bible as our inspired guide for faith and practice, it opens the way for Satan to bring in all kinds of false teachings. 

The fruit of these false teachers, who at first claimed to be supporters of the Reformation but who were guided by their own feelings and delusions, was soon apparent. Chaos ensued, with fanaticism and lawlessness taking control of many. Worse still, the actions of those who stirred up strife and confusion were blamed upon the Reformation, with claims that this was the result of following Luther’s teachings.  

NW:  When Luther learned of the havoc and confusion caused by these false teachers even in Wittenberg itself, the very center of the Reformation, he was determined to leave his safe fortress and once again feed his flock. 

“Are not the Wittenbergers my sheep?” he wrote. Has not God entrusted them to me? And ought I not, if necessary, to expose myself to death for their sakes?” (The Great Controversy, p. 189). 

TW: This was no exaggeration. Luther was under the ban of the empire. “Enemies were at liberty to take his life; friends were forbidden to aid or shelter him . . . but he saw that the work of the gospel was imperiled, and in the name of the Lord he went out fearlessly to battle for the truth . . . ‘By the word,’ said he, ‘must we overthrow and destroy what has been set up by violence'” (The Great Controversy, pp. 188, 189).  

NW: Soon reports spread throughout Wittenberg that Luther had returned and would preach. People flocked to his church, which was filled to overflowing. For an entire week, the eager crowds sat spellbound as day after day Luther uplifted the Bible.  

“The word of God broke the spell of fanatical excitement. The power of the gospel brought back the misguided people into the way of truth” (The Great Controversy, p. 190). 

TW: Satan, however, does not give up easily. A few years later, fanaticism again broke out with even greater violence and more terrible results, with many burning Bibles as they proclaimed, “The letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.” This teaching “gratified their pride by virtually placing human ideas and opinions above the word of God (The Great Controversy, p. 191).   

 Friends, whenever we place human opinions above the Bible, we can expect fearful results. In this case, “The most terrible scenes of sedition and strife followed, and the fields of Germany were drenched with blood” (The Great Controversy, p. 192). 

NW: And yet, this horrific violence was blamed on the Reformers—the very people who were upholding God’s Word.  

TW: “Satan is constantly seeking to deceive men and lead them to call sin righteousness, and righteousness sin” (The Great Controversy, p. 192). Nevertheless, Luther fearlessly continued to defend the gospel from multiple attacks, and the Word of God proved itself to be a mighty weapon in every conflict.  

NW: It was during this time that Luther completed his translation of the New Testament into German, and it was received with great joy by many. All who could read were eager to study God’s Word for themselves, and at night village schoolteachers read aloud to small groups gathered around home firesides.  

As Luther saw how the people were blessed by having the New Testament in their native language, he immediately began translating the Old Testament, publishing it in parts as quickly as he could complete them.  

TW: More and more hearts were convicted of God’s truth and the promise found in Psalm 119:130 was verified: “The entrance of Your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” That light penetrated throughout Germany and beyond, never to be extinguished.  

Persecution was once again kindled against those who stood firm in their faith, but it did not succeed. “In vain both ecclesiastical and civil authorities were involved to crush the heresy. In vain they resorted to imprisonment, torture, fire, and sword. Thousands of believers sealed their faith with their blood, and yet the work went on. Persecution served only to extend the truth. . .” (The Great Controversy, p. 196).  

Friends, today we stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before—those who believed God’s Word and followed it, doing what is right “though the heaven’s fall.” May we also value and share God’s truth with others, letting the light of Scripture shine in this world of darkness. 

I invite to pray with me just now.  

Father in Heaven, Thank you for the Word of God. Thank you for the privilege of sharing these precious instructions and directives from the Throne room of Heaven itself.Help us as we interact with others to show them your precepts, your guidance in our lives, and that the Word of God can bring us stability and life. Help us, Lord, to stay away from fanaticism from those who might reinterpret your word, when in reality they may twist it to say something that is exactly opposite. We simply ask that you will guide us in our wonderful work that you have entrusted to us of sharing the plain word of God with others. In Jesus name, we ask it. Amen.



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