May 19, 2023 | Miami, Florida United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division (IAD) will celebrate a special day of baptisms across local churches on May 27, 2023. The event is expected to highlight the primary mission of the local church pastor which includes discipling members and influencing people to accept Christ, organizers said.

“There are always ways in which local church pastors can maximize their creativity in reaching souls for the Kingdom and the need for them to serve as models in influencing souls toward Christ before their members,” said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD overseeing evangelism. This event is intended to create a renewed motivation for the mission, he added.

“Pastors set the tone and pace in their local congregations, so if pastors focus on winning souls to Christ, ultimately that kind of inspiration is passed on to the members,” added Braham. It’s like a domino effect, he said. It’s about setting an example.

The online program, which is scheduled to be hosted from Belize City, Belize, will see top IAD leaders during a worship service and baptismal ceremony with local church pastors baptizing new believers as well as connecting with each of the IAD unions at specific times during the day’s event.

“Each pastor will baptize at least three persons he has been discipling and preparing for baptism on that day, as well as report to us about their witnessing experiences,” said Braham.

IAD President Pastor Elie Henry will be the keynote speaker and will set in motion the baptismal charge during the designated segments.

The live online program will be carried in English, Spanish and French, May 27, starting at 12:00 p.m. Miami Time (or 10:00 a.m. Belize Time) on

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