Seventh-day Adventists from eastern part of Venezuela march in tune to  this year’s Enditnow campaign themed ‘Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: when those who claim to be followers of Jesus harm others,”  as they walked across streets promoting and end to violence toward women and children.[Photo: East Venezuela Union]

September 1, 2023 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Thousands of Seventh-day Adventists advocated for an end to violence from church pulpits, city streets and communities during the “Enditnow” campaign held last weekend across the Inter-American Division (IAD). Enditnow is an annual global initiative that seeks to mobilize Seventh-day Adventists and other community groups to advocate for non-violence around the world.

Marchers displayed banners and posters that speak out against the prevalent violence that occurs in homes, schools, churches and many public places, particularly against women and children. The march took place throughout Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Colombia and Venezuela on Aug. 26-27, 2023.

A group marches across Quetzaltenango in Guatemala with a banner describing the different forms of violence such as insults, rejection, indifference, rape, hitting, slaps, threats, murder and more. [Photo: Guatemala Union]

“Sometimes we think that an abuser could be a stranger that jumps out of a window or approaches a person from a dark alley but it’s not like that usually,” said Edith Ruiz, women’s ministries director for the IAD. “Abuse occurs when a person uses the power of his or her influence to take advantage of a vulnerable person.” The impact of abuse is always great, she said, but the impact is multiplied when perpetrated by a person who claims to be a follower of Jesus.

During this year’s focus, women’s ministries leaders preached sermons and employed resources centered around the theme: “Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing: when those who claim to be followers of Jesus harm others.”

Women in the eastern part of Venezuela take a stand against violence through communities on Aug. 26, 2023. [Photo: East Venezuela Union]

With violence taking place in homes and everywhere, it’s important to know that the way we respond to the abuser as the abused marks a big difference in the level of healing that each can experience, said Ruiz. “We must listen with our hearts and be on the lookout for possible victims of abuse. Jesus, our good shepherd, can heal physical and emotional needs, provide spiritual nourishment and bring peace, but we must do our part in churches and schools and everywhere,” Ruiz said.

In Venezuela, church members took to the streets to let onlookers know that violence against women and children must end. “No to abuse. No to child abuse. No to abuse against women. Yes to Christ. Yes to life,” were some of the shouts heard through the streets.  Churches opened their doors to the communities to speak out against violence of any form and encouraged listeners to be active in speaking up against violence in every corner of the country.

Women and children from throughout Barquisimeto, in the West Venezuela Union territory march during Enditnow awareness activities. [Photo: West Venezuela Unioin]

“We want to mobilize our church members and other groups so they can join with us to solve this problem that day by day is affecting each corner of Venezuela and the world,” said Pastor Bengajin Suniaga, president of the East Venezuela Conference as he marched with hundreds across Maturin in eastern Venezuela. After the march, participants met at Romulo Gallegos Plaza where music was featured and a special message against violence was delivered by Dr. Luisa Otahola, religious affairs leader in Maturin. Otahola shared the various ways victims of violence may be able to obtain help and legal advice.

The initiative was covered on print and radio media across Venezuela.

Students from several Adventist Schools in Chiriqui, Panama, march with banners promoting and end to violence on Aug. 27, 2o23. [Photo: Panama Union]

Panama saw hundreds of church members young and old marching with large banners encouraging people not to let violence claim another person. Young people marched together representing their Adventist School to promote awareness against violence in schools, parks and children’s centers.

“Put an end to it” was the main focus at churches across the Southeast Mexican region. “Our churches held seminars, testimonies and talks on how to respond to abuse and how to be vigilant against abuse and continue promoting awareness so that our churches can be a safe place for all,” said Silvia Arjona, women’s ministries director for the Southeast Mexican Union.  Hundreds marched through the streets on Sabbath afternoon to promote more Enditnow awareness.

Low-income mothers receive food and clothing as part of Enditnow initiative in Chiapas, Mexico. [Photo: Chiapas Union]

In Chiapas, Mexico, thousands of women led Enditnow programs in congregations and marched throughout specific parts of the state to distribute literature, visit prisons, and hold violence awareness programs in plazas and public spaces. Victims of abuse received spiritual and psychological attention during a special program in Palenque, in northern Chiapas, in coordination with the local Office of the Integral Development of the Family.

Church members distributed food and clothes to low-income women with small children across communities and community plazas.

A neighborhood group of children in Guajira in North Colombia hold their hands up after learning about  a “Say no to abuse” interactive activity. [Photo: North Colombia Union]

In Colombia, hundreds of local congregations held Enditnow programs to remind church members to be on the lookout for particular behaviors of children affected by violence, signs that women may show, as well as families and violence awareness against the elderly.

In addition, several communities were visited in which children were provided talks and interactive activities to be able to identify any form of abuse and how to speak up about it.

Two students from the Adventist University of Haiti in Carrefour, Port-au-rince,  show off copies of Priorities magazine on Enditnow focus before distributing in nearby communities on Aug. 27, 2023. [Photo: Haitian Union]

Faced with ongoing violence in Haiti, churches took a stand against violence during Sabbath morning and afternoon programs.

Psychologist Laurcelie Alcimé addressed church members at Adventist University of Haiti in Carrefour, Port-au-Prince. “As soon as you identify any type of violence, whether financial, sexual or psychological, know that you’re in the presence of abuse, and you must take action, seek help and rely on your faith,” said Alcimé.  “If a spouse deprives you of your funds to dominate you or tries to deceive you to appropriate, that could constitute a form of abuse.  Church members distributed literature on ending violence throughout their neighborhoods on Sunday.

Anne Marie Davis (right) wife of The Bahamas Prime Minister, holds hands with women ministries leaders are they pray during an Enditnow rally in New Providence Island in Nassau, Aug. 26, 2023. [Photo: South Bahamas Conference]

Across the Atlantic Caribbean Union, which comprises The Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Turks and Caicos, hundreds of church members took part in marches, motorcades and rallies on ending violence or abuse of any kind.  On the island of New Providence, in Nassau, The Bahamas, the South Bahamas Conference organized a motorcade that ended on Arawak Cay where a special Enditnow rally took place.  Church and civic leaders spoke on ending violence against women and children across The Bahamas.  Anne Marie Davis, spouse of the Prime Minister of The Bahamas, delivered the keynote speech at the rally and prayed with church members during the initiative.

A group of women’s ministries leaders stand at the end of a special Sabbath morning program focused on this year’s Enditnow campaign in El Salvador. [Photo: El Salvador Union]

Elsewhere in Central America and the Caribbean and other countries across the IAD, churches featured panel discussions, videos, skits, community outreach and special programs on eradicating violence in their communities and ensuring that more awareness is promoted across Adventist Churches and schools.

Women and young people march trough the streets of the Southeast Mexican Union march through communities with the Enditnow campaign on Aug. 26, 2023. [Photo: Southeast Mexican Union]

Stevens’ Rosado, Yannina García, Jean Carmy Felixon, Victor Martínez, and John García contributed information for this report.

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