Pastor Josney Rodríguez (right), ministerial association secretary of the Inter-American Division, opens this year Division-wide celebration completing the annual certification program during online event on Oct. 25, 2023, with his wife Beny de Rodríguez (left), in Miami, Florida, United States.  [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

October 27, 2023 | Miam, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist leaders from the Inter-American Division officially closed their annual pastoral certification program with a special online event from Miami, Florida, United States, on Oct. 25, 2023.  The certification program, coined as “Empowered,” saw thousands of its more than 4,000 district pastors and ministers in administrative positions complete training courses aimed at equipping them to better serve their congregations.

“We are living in a moment when we are all called to live as men and women who represent God in everything that we do,” said Pastor Elie Henry, president of the Inter-American Division.  Just like Daniel in the Bible, Pastor Henry invited pastors, their spouses and their families connected online to remain committed to upholding the biblical truths found in the Word of God.

Inter-American Division President Pastor Elie Henry delivers the keynote message to the thousands of pastors and their spouses during the online certification program celebration on Oct. 25, 2023. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

“The world is looking to follow role models. Men who are true to their word,” said Pastor Henry. “Sometimes we see persons profess their principles, but they act opposite to what they say. We must be role models for the church in word and action [in order] for God to prosper us and advance His work through us.” It’s about professing the God that we are serving with full transparency and integrity, he said. “We must testify with our windows open in daily prayer with God, with open doors studying God’s word, following a His will in our lives just like Daniel.”

Pastor Henry invited ministers to demonstrate God’s love and compassion with integrity as they serve and prepare a people for His Second coming. “We don’t want this certification to be another event in our lives but a moment of reflection and complete surrender and commitment to the Lord,” said Pastor Henry.

Cozby Dzul (left) Shepherdess coordinator of the Central Mexican Union speaks during the online event next to Pastor Job Alcazar, ministerial association secretary of the Central Mexican Union, at the Narvarte Adventist Church in Mexico City, and group of pastors and their wive’s who completed the certification program this year. [Photo: Central Mexican Union]

The annual event is part of an ongoing comprehensive certification program to provide leadership tools as pastors minister in the more than 23,000 churches and congregations throughout the territory.

This year’s one-and-a-half-hour event highlighted the discipling leadership growth across the IAD. “Throughout the months we have been reaffirming the importance of allowing the Holy Spirit to move towards revival and reformation in the spiritual growth of each church member,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial secretary of the Inter-American Division. District pastors were honored for their commitment to ensuring their congregations are consistently following a discipleship program.

A group of pastors and their wife in the Northwest Nicaragua Mission of the South Central American Union gather together for the annual certification celebration on Oct. 25, 2023.  [Photo: Northwest Nicaragua Mission]

Each union connected online most with their congregated pastors to certify the number of pastors in their territory who participated in the annual pastoral 20-hours of certification training program including a special certification for pastor’s wives as well. “Most unions reported 90 percent and more of their pastors certified this year, especially in Central, Chiapas, Interoceanic, North and South Mexican Unions,” said Rodríguez.

Out of the 4,013 pastors serving across local fields, 2,692 were certified this year, or 67 percent, church leaders reported. In addition, out of 2,276 pastor’s wives, 2,024 were certified, or 76 percent.

Pastor’s wives from the East Venezuela Union’s Shepherdess Association display their certificates after completing the 20 hours of training this year. [Photo: East Venezuela Union]

Union leaders had the opportunity to recognize the commitment of their district pastors across each conference and mission field.

Church leaders encouraged pastors and their spouses to continue  to seek God daily and strive to be shining examples of God’s grace and mercy.

“Let us continue together in purpose, fulfilling the mission not only by preaching but living what we preach, not only educate but also grow in the Lord and serve God wherever He shows us,” Pastor Henry said.

A group of pastors from El Salvador Union hold their certificates after completing the pastoral training program this year. [Photo: El Salvador Union]

To view the online pastoral certification program of Oct. 25, 2023, click the following:

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