October 18, 2023 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Top Seventh-day Adventist leaders in the Inter-American Division (IAD) will launch comprehensive evangelism initiatives aimed at engaging thousands of church members in mission activities during a special online program on Oct. 28, 2023.

IAD administrators and executive committee members from across the 24 unions will take part in affirming their commitment to leading the church membership to jumpstart evangelism efforts months before 2024 to spread the gospel in their communities, cities, and regions.

Online program will be an official launch in a general scale, said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD overseeing evangelism. “Our greater intention is to see more church members participating in both personal and public evangelism outreach initiatives with the goal of more member involvement in missions,” said Braham.

It’s about building relationships at every level, “children in mission, young people in mission, families in mission, young adults in mission, couples in mission, singles in mission all focused on the mission that will see God’s kingdom growing, discipling others for Jesus and preparing for His Soon Coming,” he said.

Coined as “All the Family in Mission” the year’s focus will seek the commitment of at least 600,000 active church members of all ages to connect and build relationships with others around them, making way for the Holy Spirit to do its part in the conversion of new believers, according to Braham.  “We are all part of this great big family and together we can all be part of mission, churches need to be engaged in missions, everyone.”

The launch will review additional initiatives and resources that will be available to keep members committed to evangelism, discipleship and retention of new members in 2024.

To watch Inter-America’s evangelism mission launch for 2024 on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. Miami Time, go to webcast.interamerica.org

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