Group of actors of the new television series from Hope Channel Inter-America called “Conocidos” premiered in Mexico City, Mexico, on Nov. 13, 2023. Adventist leaders and producers of the new series join the group photo during the red carpet reception. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

November 17, 2023 | Mexico City, Mexico | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Hope Channel Inter-America’s latest television series “Conocidos” premiered in Mexico City, Mexico, during a special red-carpet launch on Nov. 13, 2023.  The premiere saw actors, producers, and dozens of Seventh-day Adventists in a cinema at the World Trade Center building for the premiere celebration.

Named “Conocidos” (or Acquainted), the series is an eight-episode television drama and comedy series which highlights the story of nine main characters who meet and get to know each other through a bible study group.  The life stories and struggles of each character are depicted, and friendships and life’s challenges are explored.

“Conocidos” Producer Raquel Ramos and Screenwriter and Director Hellen H. Castro, introduce actors during the special premiere of the television series at the World Trade Center building in Mexico City. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Set in Mexico City, the series begins from the perspective of a young girl whose parents have moved to a new place and are expecting a new baby. The family hosts a wide range of personalities in their bible study group: two women rivals, a language teacher from Haiti who misses his family, a rebellious teenager who struggles in school, a nurse who tries to take a stand on her beliefs, and others who soon become more than acquaintances. The series touches on subjects of domestic abuse, family crisis, anxiety and depression, anger, death, the Sabbath, distractions, and more.

Nearly 200 church leaders, members, and friends from across Mexico attended the premiere. Pastor Ignacio Navarro, president of the Chiapas Mexican Union and representative of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mexico, said the series represents the 800,000 church members in Mexico’s five unions, but that the series has the potential to impact the entire world.

Audience views the special edited version of Conocidos to more than 180 in attendance. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

“A little more than a year ago, we were invited to take part in this project, and we saw that it really fit well as a message of faith, love and hope that translates into the message into the different formats that we use in the channel,” said Abel Márquez, executive director of Hope Channel Inter-America. The premiere is a great opportunity to validate the creativity and talent of the production, said Márquez.

“From its conception—the idea, the script, the production and seeing the quality of the photography and production done by Creativo 115, has been great to follow,” he said. The project will not just stay a series, Márquez added, it will go much further, thanks to the partnership with personal ministries department.

Pastor Melchor Ferreyra, personal ministries department for the Inter-American Division (IAD), praised the talents of all involved in the series, including the professional actors who accurately represented the life experience in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, he said.   Ferreyra, who worked with Creativo 115’s team, Hellen H. Castro, screenwriter and director, and Raquel Ramos, director, said the series seeks to motivate church members to get involved in small group ministries.

L-R: Abel Márquez, executive director of Hope Channel Inter-America and executive producer of the series, Hellen H. Castro, screenwriter and director of “Conocidos”, Raquel Ramos, producer of “Conocidos” and Pastor Melchor Ferreyra, personal ministries director of the Inter-American Division and executive producer of Conocidos, share the red carpet reception moment together on Nov. 13, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

In addition to the television series, there is also a bible study guide which follows every episode, and a book about how to reach persons with the gospel in large cities. These printed materials will be available soon from IADPA and GEMA Editores.

“Stories are not told without people; people interpret these stories,” said Castro.

To the cast, Castro said “we have learned and grown together and you have taught so many wonderful lessons. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your dedication and good work.”

Ramos thanked the crew for their committed work in the production of the series.  The series was filmed in 15 days but it took work before during and after that, she said.

Hellen H. Castro(right) screenwriter and director of “Conocidos” introduces the actors during a special reception segment after the premiere viewing on NOv. 13, 2023. [Photo: Daniel Gallardo/IAD]

Graciela Jiménez, who played Paula in the series, said that she will remember her experience on the set. “We became like a family, full of respect for one another with so many emotions,” she said. “What was a beautiful experience and a beautiful production.”

“I couldn’t stop crying just seeing what we saw on paper,” said Rosa Isela Cerecedo, who played Martha. “Getting to know each other as strangers that we were, singing, crying and eating together was an amazing experience,” she said. “I didn’t understand many things but now I do about the stories. Many of us who may not be too into religion but seeing the series of conflicts, you become part of a community in a small group.”

For Anderson Auguste, who is a civil engineer and played Anderson, a music teacher from Haiti, was the only Seventh-day Adventist in the television series. Being part of the series reminded him of the importance of connecting with others. “We are all going through something, and we need to have empathy towards others,” said Auguste. “The bottom line is that the Adventist Church is a great family, no matter where we are from. No matter where we are from, we can find a beautiful community in a small group that loves us and gives us hope.”

Conocidos premiere’s on Hope Channel Inter-America on Nov. 17, 2023, and subsequent Fridays for eight weeks. [Image: Hope Channel Inter-America]

“Conocidos” will premiere online on Hope Channel Inter-America on Nov. 17, and every following Friday for eight weeks. The English and French versions of the film will be available to stream in May 2024.

To watch Conocidos and other television series and short films go to

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