Together with other church leaders and people responsible for the new Bibles project, General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson (second from left) prays for the new editions at the Spanish Union of Churches Conference national congress in Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain, on June 15. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
June 23, 2024 | Spain | Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review
Church leaders and members attending the Spanish Union of Churches Conference national congress in Fuenlabrada, Madrid, Spain, participated in a special dedication ceremony on June 15. Safeliz publishing house leaders introduced and dedicated to God two new editions of the Bible. Below, a brief description introduces of each of them, which have been published first in Spanish. English and Portuguese versions will soon follow, publishing house leaders said.
Praise and Worship Bible
The Praise and Worship Bible is an extraordinary Bible, which includes outstanding resources to strengthen faith and revitalize spiritual life, the publishers said. The volume includes 210 biblical songs whose lyrics are verses selected from the Bible. They review the passages, characters, and most well-known biblical events from Genesis to Revelation, and they are also available in video format through QR codes.
The team of leaders who coordinated the new Bibles project listen to General Conference president Ted N. C. Wilson (third from left) before he prays for the new editions. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
The Heavenly Notes children’s choir shares a sample of the songs included in the Praise and Worship Bible. The songs lyrics are selected verses from the Bible. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
In total, this edition of the Bible includes 1,825 special messages. “Some of them include suggested activities that can help make family worship practical and attractive,” publishers said. The edition also includes, at the beginning and also at the end, resources from the Back to the Altar initiative, suggestions to strengthen family worship, and even full-text books available through QR code technology.
“This Bible has the potential to revive your worship experience and impact the spiritual journey of your whole family,” its publisher said. “It will draw you and your church, moving them to be back to the altar and closer to God.”
Composer Liliam Martinelli (right) explains some of the challenges she faced when writing the songs for the new Bible, as the Eden musical group waits to share a sample of the songs included in the new volume. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
The second Bible edition presented and dedicated at the Spanish Union of Churches Conference national congress is the new Maranatha Study Bible.
“It has been called the Maranatha Bible because our greatest hope is the second coming of Jesus,” Safeliz general manager Mario Martinelli said. “This Bible is the result of a project that has taken more than 10 years of hard work,” he added. “More than 100 Adventist theologians have contributed not only to compiling but also developing the resources included here.”
Safeliz leaders explained that this Bible has the goal of helping church members to go deeper in the study of God’s Word. “It includes study notes and insightful articles divided in different categories.”
Liliam Martinelli composed the 210 spiritual songs included in the new Praise and Worship Bible. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
Thanks to the QR technology, the Bible includes links to a long list of articles and discussions of topics such as “God and suffering” and “Marriage in the New Testament.” “The Maranatha Study Bible is truly a lamp unto our feet,” publishers said.
Safeliz publishing house leaders introduce the new Maranatha Study Bible during the Spanish Union of Churches Conference on June 15. [Photo: Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review]
Minutes later, Wilson dedicated the two new editions of the Bible to God in prayer. “We put the circulation of these Bibles into Your [God’s] hands,” he prayed. “We ask that people treasure these precious words from heaven itself…. Bless the distribution of Your Word. And may these Bibles bring many people to the foot of the cross.”