Delegates from the Bahamas wave their flags during the opening ceremony of the Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) Convention held in Panama City, Panama, Aug. 14-17, 2024. More than 300 business owners and professionals attended the four-day annual event to network and be inspired and motivated to continue sharing Christ in the marketplaces in their respective countries and islands. [Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

Hundreds of Adventist business owners and professionals gathered in Panama at this year’s territory-wide annual convention.

August 20, 2024 | Panama City, Panama | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

“If you are going to work for God, your greatest leadership trait is not your ability to speak loud, not your ability to manage spreadsheets, not your ability to delegate,” said Pastor Debleaire K. Snell, director of Breath of Life Television Ministries, as he addressed hundreds of Adventist business owners and professionals in Panama recently.  “Your greatest gift is to be able to hear the Word of God when He talks.”

Hearing God’s Word is part of serving in carrying the mission and doing things differently, said Snell. Pastor Snell was addressing a large delegation during the opening night of this year’s Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries (ASi) Inter-America Annual Convention in Panama City, Panama, on Aug. 14, 2024.

Keynote Speaker Pastor Debleaire K. Snell, director of Breath of Life Television Ministries, urges the ASi Inter-America delegation on Aug. 14, 2024, in Panama City, Panama, to seek God’s guidance in their daily life and business dealings as they fulfill the mission of the church.[Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

God is not traditional, he went on. The mistake happens when we assume that God will lead the same way all the time, said Snell. “We feel present movements will always reflect past movements.” Snell was driving the point directly to the hundreds of ASi IAD chapter members whose efforts are crucial in winning others for Christ in their respective businesses and workplaces. Depending on God to reach them today is a essential, he said.

Knowing the will of God must be about maintaining a prayerful life and daily petitioning the guidance of the Holy Spirit, he emphasized. “It doesn’t matter how many boards we chair, how long we have been in the church, every decision we make outside of prayer, we make an educated guess.” The guessing can happen when developing business strategies, and so many things in life especially in seasons of transitions, in new ministries, in new church leaderships but God is faithful and will reveal Himself if He is sought every day, he explained.

Olga Villarreal of Panama sings special musich during the opening night of the convention on Aug. 14, 2024. [Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

Snell encouraged ASi delegates to continue grounded in God for their spiritual stability and balance. As he reflected on the story of David and the defeat of the Philistines in 2 Samuel 5, Snell encouraged ASiers to not only pray to get a battle plan but to get assurance that God will be with them much like David’s experience. “When you have assurance from God, you move with different confidence, the victory does not depend on the battlefield but in the prayer closet.”

Moving about in the current generation is going to take committed leaders and members with enough spiritual sensitivity to see where God is leading in this time, he said. “God has a word and revelation for this generation that is different from the one he told past generations. The content does not change but the container in which it’s delivered may be different.”

Pastor José De Gracia, president of the Panama Union welcomes the ASi IAD delegation during the event’s opening ceremony. [Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

He urged those in attendance that God is looking for people who are spiritually alive, who can sense God’s voice in the midst of chaos, and adjust spiritually to see where He is moving, said Snell.  It’s about being creative enough to push those who are outside of the direction of God and bring back, “making some waves, loyal to the Word and loose with tradition,” he added.

Snell challenged ASi chapter leaders and members to examine their ministry, their marketplace dealings, their home life and do things differently, not moving ahead of God’s assurances.

ASi Inter-America President Rohan Riley addresses ASi delegates on the purpose and features of the four-day annual convention. [Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

It was the keynote address that nudged ASiers to get inspired to be “Empowered to Serve” much like the theme of the annual territory-wide convention, organizers said. The keynote address was on point during the four-day event that sought to motivate, inspire and equip chapter members for ever greater service in their various countries, said Rohan Riley, president of ASi Inter-America.

“This is all about motivating chapter members to reaffirm their commitment to sharing Christ through their businesses and communities, as well as invite other professionals to support the mission of the church,” said Riley.

Delegates from the ASi Chapter in Costa Rica celebrate their country during the parade of flags during the opening ceremony on Aug. 14, 2024. [Photo: Michelle Greene/IAD]

The ASi Convention saw hundreds attending the keynote speeches, seminars, workshops, and panel segments focused on mission, leadership strategies, building professional relationships, integrating faith in business, embracing innovation, physical wellness and more.

Chapter members headlined the convention representing the countries and islands they are a part of during a parade of nations display on opening night.

For more on this year’s ASi Inter-America Annual Convention, visit us at

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