August 15, 2024 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | Ted N.C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Hello, friends. In our last video we saw our religious freedom is precious and must not be taken for granted. We also saw how, throughout the Dark Ages, the Roman Catholic Church enforced its dogmas through the power of the State—showing the dangers of what happens when Church and State unite. 

And yet, even during those dark times, God had His faithful ones who remained true to Him. We think of the Waldenses, Wycliffe, Huss and Jerome, Martin Luther, Zwingli, Tyndale, Knox, Whitfield and the Wesley brothers, John and Charles. All these and many more who remain nameless in martyrs’ graves testify to God’s faithfulness, despite impoverishment, prejudice, persecution and more. 

Today, millions of people are able to worship according to their conscience, and although freedom of religion is not practiced in all countries of the world, many, including in the United States, still enjoy this freedom.

We know, however, that according to Bible prophecy, this will not always be the case. Revelation 13 describes a beast rising out of the sea, “having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name” (vs. 1). John continues describing the vision, saying, “Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast” (vss. 2,3). As we studied this passage in an earlier video, we learned that the book of Revelation is filled with symbols. We also learned that this “sea beast” of Revelation 13 represents the Roman Catholic Church. 

Notice how the prophecy describes this beast as having “great authority,” but then one of its heads was “mortally wounded.” As we learned in our previous study, this “mortal wound” came in 1798 when the Pope was captured in Rome by the French and taken into captivity, where he later died. 

Following this event, the power of the papacy was greatly reduced. No longer did kings and princes bow to its power. No longer were so-called “heretics” burned at the stake. 

However, the prophecy points out that the “mortal wound” would one day be healed, and that “all the world marveled and followed the beast” (vs. 3).

Now, it is very important to understand that this prophecy is not talking about individuals—rather it is talking about a religious system. In The Great Controversy we read, “It is true that there are real Christians in the Roman Catholic communion. Thousands in that church are serving God according to the best light they have. . . . They have never seen the contrast between a living heart service and a round of mere forms and ceremonies. God looks with pitying tenderness upon these souls. . . He will cause rays of light to penetrate the dense darkness that surround them. He will reveal to them the truth as it is in Jesus, and many will yet take their position with His people.” Then the inspired author adds, “But Romanism as a system is no more in harmony with the gospel of Christ now than at any former period in her history” (The Great Controversy, p. 565). 

And, according to prophecy, we understand that the Roman Church will again rise to power, and religious freedom will be taken away. The Great Controversy is very explicit on this point. We read:

“The papal church will never relinquish her claim to infallibility. All that she has done in her persecution of those who reject her dogmas she holds to be right; and would she not repeat the same acts, should the opportunity be presented? Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments be removed and Rome be reinstated in her former power, and there would speedily be a revival of her tyranny and persecution” (The Great Controversy, p. 564). 

Oh Warning of what is ahead, the inspired author continues: “God’s word has given warning of the impending danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant world will learn what the purposes of Rome really are, only when it is too late to escape the snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men. . .Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is strengthening her forces to further her own ends when the time shall come for her to strike. . . . Whoever shall believe and obey the word of God will thereby incur reproach and persecution” (The Great Controversy, p. 581).

The great Reformer, Martin Luther, knew what that reproach and persecution was like. Nevertheless, while hidden away behind the strong walls of the Wartburg Castle, he penned the words to “A Mighty Fortress is Our God.” This hymn, which became known as “The Battle Hymn of the Reformation,” reminds us that God is our mighty fortress, “a bulwark never failing; our helper He, amid the flood of mortal ills prevailing,” and one day He will win the battle. 

As we close, I would like to invite you once again, if you have not already done so, to download your free copy of the book, The Great Controversy, available at []. There you can read more about what we have just had time to highlight today, in chapter 35, titled “Liberty of Conscience Threatened.”

My friends, we have nothing to fear. With God by our side and in our hearts, He will lead us through whatever lies ahead. Let us stay close to His Word, hiding every precious promise in our hearts and following wherever He may lead.

I invite you to bow your head with me as we pray together.


Father in Heaven, thank you again for religious liberty, for freedom of conscience, for what you have provided to your people down through the ages, even amidst the most difficult times. You have cared for and encouraged your people, some of whom had to die. Deaths that gave great encouragement to others to stand by the Word of God. Lord, we ask that you will help each of us to stand firmly upon the Word of God, and not allow any manmade human invention to in any way change our understanding of the instructions and truths coming to us from the heavenly courts in heaven. Now, Lord, we place ourselves in your hands. Guide us as we make decisions based upon our relationship with you and the Word of God. In Jesus name, we ask it. Amen.

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