Below is  a message addressed to the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America from President of the Inter-American Division, Elie Henry–IAD News Staff

August 2, 2024 | Miami, Florida, United States | By: Elie Henry, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America

Hello Brothers and Sisters.

I greet you with joy this Sabbath in which we are emphasizing throughout the world the importance of evangelism in global mission, which consists of supporting missionaries who serve in different countries to start new groups of believers in areas where there is no Adventist presence.

There are members in our Inter-American family who serve in other continents and we also have overseas missionaries in the territory,  all of them with the determination to share the love and message of salvation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But you know? When God asks in Isaiah 6:8, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

It is also addressed to you and me, perhaps not so that we travel to distant countries, but so that we can be more authentic and empathetic in living a Christian life full of heartfelt love for God and love for our neighbors.

Participating in mission means being available to God in our daily lives, with our families and in our environments. It means being a living testimony to His honor and glory.

Let us pray for the global mission, let us support it with our resources and may our response be like that of the prophet Isaiah: “Here am I, send me.”


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