Dr. Obed Jiménez, director of the White Research Center in Antillean Adventist University in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, delivers the first message at the start of Inter-America Division’s Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week online, on Oct. 13, 2024.  Jiménez, who authored the seven keynote presentations of the week, spoke on day one and five before it concluded the special week on Oct. 19, 2024.  [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Experts from White Research Centers discussed the relevance of Ellen G. White’s writings for the church today.

October 28, 2024 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventist leaders in the Inter-American Division (IAD) recently hosted an online Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week aimed at inspiring leaders and church members to engage more deeply with the writings of Ellen G. White, a co-founder of the church. The event, themed “Believe His Promises,” marked the first time the IAD organized a daily program featuring messages, music, and comments, designed for churches, small groups, and individuals at home, from October 13-19, 2024.

“We want to build greater trust in Ellen G. White’s writings and highlight the valuable resources we have inherited from her,” said Pastor Isaías Espinoza, publishing ministries director and coordinator of Spirit of Prophecy of the IAD. While a Sabbath is traditionally dedicated to this emphasis in October worldwide, he said, this year, leaders aimed to ignite genuine interest among church members to explore her writings more actively.

Pastor Isaías Espinoza, publishing ministries director and coordinator of Spirit of Prophecy of the IAD, leads one of the presentations during Oct. 13-18, 2024. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Experts from IAD’s White Research Centers served as featured speakers each evening, addressing topics such as biblical prophets, their divine appointments, experiences, lasting influence, and lessons relevant beyond their lifetimes. They also discussed Ellen G. White’s role as a prophet chosen by God, particularly in relation to the prophetic message for the end times.

“We received positive feedback during and after the broadcasts,” reported Espinoza. “One church member expressed gratitude, saying the messages helped her view Ellen G. White as a continuation of the prophetic ministry of the biblical prophets. Although she believed White was a prophet, she hadn’t seen her in the same light as those in the Bible until the messages clarified this for her.”

Participants from various regions shared their thoughts on social media.

Dr. Juan José Andrade of the White Research Center in Montemorelos University in Mexico, delivers one of two messages during the Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week recently. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

Cristy Santiago from Chetumal, Quintana Roo, Mexico, stated, “I haven’t missed any of the messages. They are interesting, and I believe Mrs. White was powerfully used by the Lord.”

Gabriel Rivas from Sucre, Venezuela, added, “The messages are excellent for the growth of God’s people.”

Adela del Valle remarked, “The messages have been really quite clear.”

The week’s emphasis was inspired by a recent survey from the General Conference indicating a decline in interest in Ellen G. White’s writings. Espinoza emphasized the importance of positioning her prophetic ministry alongside those of the biblical prophets.

Dr. David Macario, director of the White Research Center at Central American Adventist University in Costa Rica, was one of the five speakers featured during the emphasis week. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]

The messages were crafted by Dr. Obed Jiménez, director of the White Research Center at Antillean Adventist University in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. He highlighted the significance of recognizing Ellen G. White’s ministry as parallel to that of the biblical prophets, underscoring her divine appointment and purpose. “It’s crucial to embrace the prophetic ministry that can be applied to our lives, especially in these final days,” stated Jiménez. “As she advises, we must study the Scriptures and the life of Jesus Christ.”

Dr. Juan José Andrade, director of the first established White Research Center in the IAD at Montemorelos University, also delivered two messages during the week. He noted a growing interest among church leaders and members in Ellen G. White’s writings, citing his efforts to educate countless groups visiting the center, and organizing resourceful international tours related to her life.

“Traveling throughout the IAD, I sensed a need for more official resources available to our churches, which led us to initiate this emphasis week from the Division office,” Espinoza explained.

Young people put a puzzle together during their visit to the White Research Center at Montemorelos University in Mexico. The center was the first to be established in the Inter-American Division territory in 1978. [Photo: Courtesy of Juan Jose Andrade]

The response from churches has been so encouraging that plans are underway to continue providing educational resources for spiritual growth. The program was designed to allow church leaders and members to connect easily to the one-hour event without needing to fill in parts around a message. Additionally, the sermons were made available in digital formats in English, Spanish, and French for congregations lacking internet access.

Two years ago, a new initiative was voted to create local White Centers to increase access to Ellen G. White’s writings for members who cannot purchase the books or access them online in their language. Espinoza noted the recent inauguration of a center in the Southeast Veracruz Conference in the Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union and another in Medellin in the North Colombian Union. Plans are underway for the Chiapas Mexican Union to launch 50 local White Centers across various conferences and churches next year. Each center will house a collection of Ellen G. White’s books, funded by the IAD and local fields, along with resources for research and desktop computers for online studies.

The local centers are part of a comprehensive strategy involving the local fields, the union, and the division to ensure proper oversight and quality.

Pastor William Castañeda speaks about the resources at the local White Center spot at the Eden Adventist Church in Medellin, Colombia, during the inauguration of the space April 20, 2023.  [Photo: North Colombia Union]

Speakers during the live event included prominent Spirit of Prophecy leaders, including Dr. Obed Jiménez, Dr. Juan José Andrade, Dr. David Macario, director of the White Research Center at Central American Adventist University in Costa Rica, Melchor Ferreyra, personal ministries director of the IAD), and Isaías Espinoza.

The speakers were also part of a Spirit of Prophecy Symposium held in Mandeville, Jamaica, in collaboration with leaders from the White Research Center at Northern Caribbean University, from October 18-19, 2024.

Church leaders are already planning next year’s emphasis week, scheduled for October 19-25, 2025.

A new local White Center was inaugurated at the Southeast Veracruz Conference offices in the Inter-Oceanic Mexican Union on Oct. 22, 2204. [Photo: Southeast Veracruz Conference]

Ellen G. White Research Centers in the IAD

To view this year’s Spirit of Prophecy Emphasis Week, click HERE

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