Event leads participants to reflect on how to protect the vulnerable in our churches.
March 26, 2025 | England | Catherine Anthony Boldeau, Trans-European Division, and Adventist Review
“Safeguarding is not just a responsibility—it is a reflection of our values and our faith in action.” These words from Eglan Brooks, president of the British Union Conference (BUC), set the tone for several meetings of dialogue, sharing of best practices, and strengthening of churches throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland.
From February 21-27, more than 130 participants gathered at Newbold College of Higher Education (NCHE) to pray, discuss, debate, and reflect on the issues of safeguarding in faith-based spaces. The term safeguarding means protecting the health, well-being, and human rights of individuals, particularly children and vulnerable adults, to ensure they are protected from harm and abuse.
Diana Downer, senior lecturer in child protection and adult safeguarding at Buckinghamshire New University, was among the academics and practitioners invited to give presentations at the summit. [Photos: Nicholas Blackburn, Jimmy Botha, and Cathy Boldeau]
Lee Carmichael kicked off the week with the topic “The Theology of Safeguarding: A Call to Protect the Vulnerable.” Carmichael, a part-time helpline practitioner for Thirtyone:eight, an independent Christian organization that seeks to protect vulnerable people, presented a theological case for safeguarding within the church.
Rooted in biblical teaching, safeguarding is not merely a legal or procedural obligation but a divine mandate reflecting how God cares for the most vulnerable members of society.
Anette Williams, safeguarding advisor at Thirtyone:eight, continued this thought from her colleague in her presentations during the week.
Philip Baptiste, secretary and treasurer of Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries for the North American Division, spoke on individuals taking on the responsibility for creating safe churches and spaces.
Conference leaders in the British Union—Kirk Thomas, Steve Palmer, Eglan Brooks, James Botha, Graham Allcock, and Adam Keough—pose for a picture during the Safeguarding Summit. [Photos: Nicholas Blackburn, Jimmy Botha, and Cathy Boldeau]
David DeFoe, founder of Imara Counselling Services and relationship ministries director of the Allegheny East Conference in the United States, shared that “protecting an institution at the expense of people it serves is not protection—it’s corruption.” His presentation provided a platform to tackle the topic of the challenge of power and protection and other complex topics that would be presented for the remainder of the conference.
The presentations from the speakers from DRD Partnership, a strategic communications consultancy, provoked conversations and discussions on topics such as leadership, crisis, and obligations for organizations.
Besides speakers, the conference also featured several panel discussions. Reflecting on some of the panels, Leslie Ackie, BUC Possibility Ministries, said, “This summit has further emphasized the enormous challenge and opportunity we have to take our safeguarding provisions to another level to fulfil our biblical mandate to reflect the vulnerable.”
BUC president Eglan Brooks and Sabbath School and Personal Ministries leader Augustus Lawrence in conversation during the Safeguarding Summit [Photos: Nicholas Blackburn, Jimmy Botha, and Cathy Boldeau]
The act of listening to the “voiceless” is central to the theme of safeguarding. Several victims and survivors shared their personal stories. These difficult stories and the reality of the narratives brought silence to the room and tears to the eyes.
Conference leaders also announced that in the upcoming months new branding will be rolled out. “Say it. Hear it. Say it. Stop it! Safeguarding is my responsibility, your responsibility, our responsibility.”
The original version of this story was posted on the Trans-European Division news site.