February 3, 2012 – Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America will host the third phase of its spiritual revival and reformation initiative with a satellite event on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, live from Mandeville, Jamaica.

The event coined as “That the World May Know” will highlight programs and activities for church leaders and members across the 21 church regions to share the message of the gospel in their communities.

Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N.C. Wilson will speak on the church’s appeal for revival, reformation, discipleship and evangelism for each church member.

Top church leaders from throughout Inter-America will also meet this weekend to discuss strategies and unify efforts to carryout initiatives within the comprehensive revival which began a year ago.

The Vision One Million program will be highlighted during the live event. Already, the church has participated in numerous activities promoting daily prayer and the study of the Bible.

The launch of “That the World May Know” will be transmitted live via satellite on the Hope Church Channel and Esperanza TV at 10:00 a.m. Jamaica Time or Miami Time. In addition, 3ABN and 3ABN Latino will broadcast the program later during the day.

Afternoon initiatives and activities will be webcast starting at 2:30 p.m. at www.interamerica.org

Vision One Million: http://visiononemillion.interamerica.org/
Revival and Reformation webpage: http://praying4revival.org
In Spanish: http://estamosorando.org
French: http://praying4revival.org

English: http://www.facebook.com/praying4revival
Spanish: http://www.facebook.com/estamosorando

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez/IAD

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