May 14, 2012 – Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Administrators and leaders at the Inter-American Division Publishing Association (IADPA), one of two publishing houses operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America, gave their financial report for 2011 and announced new projects to board members in Miami, Florida, on May 9, 2012. The report came as the dozens of church leaders throughout the church in Inter-America gathered for the first of two annual business meetings.

As it stands, IADPA has an operating capital of 84 percent and a liquidity of 39 percent, reported Liza Christian, vice president for financial affairs for IADPA.

According to Pastor Pablo Perla, president of IADPA, liquidity was low because of increased ink and printing costs, existing inventory, and a number of accounts still unpaid, stated Pablo Perla, president of IADPA.

The challenge of decreasing the inventory was among the concerns mentioned during the board meeting. Administrators reported that the inventory was reduced from $8 million in April 2010 to $5.9 million in April 2012 — a significant accomplishment, said Perla. Plans are to reduce the inventory by the end of the year to $5 million, he added.

Board members approved the audited financial statement for 2011 after recommendations by eight auditors on issues of internal control were read and discussed.

IADPA leaders presented checks to the president of the church in Caracas, Venezuela, and the president of the church in Bogota, Colombia–two of the three largest cities in Inter-America, as specials funds to further the work in ministering in those cities.

A number of upcoming books and resources were presented, including the launch of the “Bible Stories I Can Read By Myself” series, and new publications for colporteurs, Sabbath School new believers, young adults, and children. Newly contextualized editions of Bible textbooks for elementary levels in English and French were also presented.

IADPA gave a special tribute to Pastor Sergio Moctezuma, now retired, who for many years worked as personal ministries and Sabbath School director for the church in Inter-America. Pastor Moctezuma was recognized for his pioneering work in providing children’s printed materials in English, Spanish, and French throughout the Inter-American territory more than 30 years ago.

“It was a privilege and challenge to ensure that the printing of children’s materials were available,” said Pastor Moctezuma.

“You have been my pastor, my mentor for so many years and we thank you for your committed efforts in benefitting our church in Inter-America,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America.

IADPA administrators also thanked the work of their warehouse employees and showcased their available e-books and resources on their newly updated webpage.

For more information on IADPA and its products, visit

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens/IAD

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