January 4, 2024 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

Seventh-day Adventists around the world will have the opportunity to engage in daily praying during the church’s ten days of corporate prayer initiative, starting January 10, 2024.  The annual initiative calls for church members to spend meaningful time united in prayer in their congregations, small groups, homes, social networks, and individually.

Church members have access to bible promises, daily readings, prayer requests, outreach challenges and more on this year’s “Priorities of Faith” theme through ten-day revival and reformation prayer initiative.

The Ten Days of Prayer has its origin in the Books of Acts where the disciples met for 10 days before the Holy Spirit was poured upon them, said Pastor Samuel Telemaque, Sabbath school director and Back to the Altar initiative for the Inter-American Division (IAD). “They had 10 days of spiritual reflection, intercessory prayer, confession and repentance of sins and that atmosphere of unity allowed the Holy Spirit to come mightily on them before they went forth,” said Telemaque.

[Image: Inter-American Division]

The initiative is a moment to give members not only opportunity to reflect upon their personal lives with God, but read the Word of God and allow the Holy Spirit access to their hearts, as well as develop spiritual influence in the community, he explained.  “At a corporate level when each member has a personal relationship with God, there’s a ripple effect on the family and that transfers a spirit of unity and collaboration and spiritual health to their local congregations, districts, local conferences, unions, divisions, and the world church,” Telemaque said.

Ten Days of Prayer initiative has been growing across the IAD engaging thousands of members under that one objective to promote a closer communion with the Creator, said Abel Márquez, communication director of the IAD.

“I think that over the years more people are getting involved in sharing the prayer initiative on social networks, motivation others to experience a direct connection with God at the beginning of the year,” said Márquez. “We continue to promote and produce programs, short videos and other resources that complement the General Conferences resources for the church in Inter-America and the world.”

To find this year’s Ten Days of Prayer resources, Click HERE

Additional resources in English, Spanish and French can be found HERE



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