February 16, 2024 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

The Inter-American Division’s new Vacation Bible Experience (VBE) program for this year will be unveiled during an online program on Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024. The one-and-a-half workshop will introduce the theme, showcase decoration ideas, include messages, songs, bible lessons, and resources, to thousands of children and adolescent ministries directors across Seventh-day Adventist congregations and schools throughout the territory.

The annual initiative mobilizes thousands of church leaders and members who are committed to teaching the love of Jesus to every child who enrolls in the comprehensive VBE program each year.

The VBE program draws more than 300,000 children and adolescents throughout the IAD year after year, leaders say.

“This is a really special time when regional and local church directors are eager to study and prepare for this beautify evangelistic ministry of Vacation Bible Experience,” says Edith Ruiz, children and adolescents’ ministries director of the IAD.

“We are very excited to teach this new theme that will highlight practical lessons from the wonderful stories in the Bible that can have lasting positive effects on youngsters,” she says.

The comprehensive program, which has been anticipated by local church leaders throughout the Inter-American Division, will be explained step-by-step during the online segment, says Ruiz. “Our union directors are all excited to have their corresponding leaders at every local conference and local congregation to watch the online workshop firsthand and then work together to execute during the summer time,” Ruiz says.

The online program will be launched in English, Spanish and French at  10:00 a.m. Miami Time on February 25, 2024. You can view the VBE workshop, go to webcast.interamerica.org

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