July 11, 2024 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | Ted N.C. Wilson, President, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

Ted Wilson (TW): Greetings, friends. Today we will look at some of the final points given in chapter 32 of The Great Controversy, titled, “The Snares of Satan.” When we began this chapter, we noted that in a war, secret intelligence plays a very important role as it uncovers the plans of the enemy.  

Nancy Wilson (NW): And as we know, we are in the midst of a very real war between unseen forces, between good and evil—known as the great controversy between Christ and Satan—and the ultimate battleground is our heart.

TW: Ephesians 6:12 tells us that “we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (KJV). How important then, to know the plans of the enemy, the snares of Satan, so we are not deceived!

 NW: We are told that “Among the most successful agencies of the great deceiver are the delusive teachings and lying wonders of spiritualism. Disguised as an angel of light, he,” that is, Satan, “spreads his nets where least suspected” (The Great Controversy, p. 524). 

However, if we carefully study God’s Word, praying earnestly for understanding, we will not be left in darkness. But if we reject the light coming from the Bible, we are opening ourselves up to be deceived by the devil.

TW: Ellen White points out that “Another dangerous error is the doctrine that denies the deity of Christ, claiming that He had no existence before His advent to this world” (The Great Controversy, p. 524). 

Unfortunately, there are many today who say they believe the Bible yet teach that Christ either did not pre-exist before coming to this Earth, or that at some time in the past He was created. 

This belief “directly contradicts the plainest statements of our Saviour concerning His relationship with the Father, His divine character, and His pre-existence” (The Great Controversy, p. 524). 

NW: The inspired author explains this false belief “cannot be entertained without the most unwarranted wresting of the Scriptures. It not only lowers man’s conceptions of the work of redemption, but undermines faith in the Bible as a revelation from God” (The Great Controversy, p. 524).

TW: Another subtle and dangerous deception of the devil is the popular belief that he doesn’t exist at all! Some say the idea of Satan simply represents evil thoughts and desires. Others claim he is just a mythical character, with horns and a tail, and a pitchfork in hand—made up to try to scare people, or else to pass him off as some sort of joke. Nevertheless, the Bible affirms he is very real indeed, warning us to “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8, NKJV).  

NW: A false teaching that has become popular among some is the idea that Christ’s second coming is not an actual event, but instead represents the coming of Christ into an individual’s heart. Another variation is the idea that Christ’s coming happens at the time of a person’s death. This directly contradicts Scripture, which clearly states, “Behold, He is coming with clouds, and every eye will see Him” (Rev. 1:7, NKJV). 

TW: Satan does everything he can to break our connection with God, and one of his most successful snares is the teaching that prayer is not essential, and that it does not make any difference. In The Great Controversywe read, “Men of science claim that there can be no real answer to prayer; that this would be a violation of law, a miracle, and that miracles have no existence” (p. 525). These false teachers claim that since the universe is governed by fixed laws, God Himself will do nothing against those laws. They portray Him as bound by His own laws, and they exclude all miracles recorded in Scripture, including those of Christ Himself.

NW: This vicious lie of Satan is meant to keep us from praying to our all-knowing, all-mighty God. In The Great Controversy we are given this powerful assurance: “The same compassionate Saviour lives today, and He is as willing to listen to the prayer of faith as when He walked visibly among men. The natural cooperates with the supernatural. It is a part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask” (p. 525). 

What a wonderful, precious promise this is!

TW: Yes, friends, the same inspired author warns us that “No man is safe for a day or an hour without prayer.” She continues: “Especially should we entreat the Lord for wisdom to understand His word.” Why? Because the Bible reveals “the wiles of the tempter and the means by which he may be successfully resisted” (The Great Controversy, p. 530).  

My brothers and sisters, we are indeed in a war. But God has given us His intelligence, revealing through His Word, and in the wonderful book, The Great Controversy, the plans of the enemy. We do not need to be deceived. Through prayer and the study of these inspired writings, and with full reliance upon our Mighty God, we can obtain the victory! 

Let’s pray together just now.


Father in Heaven, thank you for providing each of us with amazing instruction in the Word of God and in the spirit of prophecy, to help us to understand fully the snares or the wiles or the deceptions of the devil himself. Thank you for giving us correct inspiration and guidance to know exactly what we face in the future. Help us as we study God’s Word, as we read in the spirit of prophecy, to truly understand what you have in store for your people. As we rely completely upon you and your Word and move towards the climactic events of this earth’s history and Jesus soon coming. Thank you for hearing us in this prayer. In Jesus name we ask it. Amen.

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