October 1, 2024 | Silver Spring, Maryland, United States | General Conference Executive Officers

During these very challenging days around the world, we need to be in special prayer for each other in every country and region of the globe as we see increasing unrest and disasters worldwide.

We ask that each of you, as a part of our global church family, focus today in a special way in your prayer life on our brothers and sisters throughout all parts of the Middle East, praying that God will protect His people and His work especially in that part of the world.

Please pray earnestly for peace in that region and in Ukraine and Russia as we lift up to the Lord our brothers and sisters in those countries, as well as many other areas of the world. In addition to the war-torn regions, we are also seeing the devastating effects of natural disasters from cyclones and severe flooding in many parts of the globe, as seen most recently in the southeastern parts of the United States. These events and others tell us that our time on earth is short, and God asks us to go on His mission saying, “I Will Go.”

Every area of the world needs prayer as we unite our voices in lifting up special needs to the Lord and helping people physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually in practical ways to be encouraged in Christ, our Hope. God wants to accomplish through His people the unique biblical mission given to the Seventh-day Adventist Church shown in Revelation 12:17 and Revelation 14:6-12. As we pray, let us allow the Holy Spirit to work through us in Global Total Member Involvement to lift up Christ, His righteousness, His saving power, His three angels’ messages, His health message, and His soon second coming.


Ted N. C. Wilson, Erton C. Köhler, Paul H. Douglas

General Conference Executive Officers

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