Adventist media communicators shared insights about podcasting during the 2025 South Pacific Division Digital Discipleship Conference in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, March 15. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

Digital Discipleship Conference calls Adventist communicators to commit, step up.

March 20, 2025 | Queensland, Australia | Marcos Paseggi, Adventist Review

Among the multiple preparations for the 2025 South Pacific Division’s (SPD) Digital Discipleship Conference held in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, the organizing team added one that even they hadn’t anticipated—to check for the daily weather forecast. Just a few days before the beginning of the event scheduled for March 14-16, Tropical Cyclone Alfred made landfall on the nearby coast in Surfer’s Paradise, prompting power outages, floodings, and evacuations.

“We would check the forecast every morning,” acknowledged Jarrod Stackelroth, writer and editor of the regional church magazine Adventist Record. “So we are thankful to be here.”

During the Digitial Disciplieship Conference held March 14-16, participants met other colleagues and established new acquaintances. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

Major challenges included a last-minute change of venue because of a power outage. But despite it all, about 110 Seventh-day Adventist communicators from nine countries in the South Pacific and beyond gathered to learn how to harness the power of the latest digital tools to make an impact for Jesus.

A Training Ground

The 2025 lineup of speakers included experts in digital media and marketing, design and photography, writing and editing, podcasting, and discipleship coaching. Several speakers agreed to highlight the fast pace of communication changes, emphasizing the importance of such events as the conference to learn how to be better communicators.

Specialized seminaries and plenary sessions are recorded and will be available to all attendees. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

“Digital Discipleship [Conference] is a training ground, a place to learn what is happening in the digital space, because it’s changing so quickly now,” said Jared Madden, SPD Adventist Media marketing, sales, and digital manager and a podcasting pioneer in Australia. “People are discussing what’s working and what’s not working, and learning from each other, so that when we go back to our digital interactions and projects, we can reach people more effectively and be more informed in how we do it,” he explained.

Same Words Popping Up

At the same time, across communication-related fields, most speakers emphasized the importance of working to build trust and showing authenticity in a world that has grown increasingly distrustful.

Maryellen Hacko leads a plenary session on how to develop a creative content strategy. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

“It’s all about building trust and being authentic,” several presenters emphasized. “When people trust you, they will welcome your friendship, and they will be open to listen to whatever you have to tell them.”

Communication experts also explained that the exponential growth of competing voices in the field and “the fakery” that is often present in contemporary communication means that it’s not as easy as it was to find your niche and to make an impact. Against that context, the solution is to work to create microcommunities, limited-size groups with people who share an interest, they suggested. It is something that may allow individuals to create “safe places” of interaction, thus building trustworthy friendships, experts said.

A group photo of the attendees to the 2025 South Pacific Division Digital Discipleship Conference in Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

According to Madden, who is a regular member of one of these microcommunities of like-minded people, these safe places are essential as a first step to connect with others, especially in a society as secular as Australia’s. “The key is to create these safe places inside a microcommunity, to eventually move from a digital to a physical community of people who care for each other,” he said.

This approach has implications for Adventist mission, Madden emphasized. “I believe the next stage in effective evangelism, especially digital discipleship, is in building authentic microcommunities,” he said.

Participants mentioned that they valued the opportunity of sharing a message of hope with others. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

Committed to Serve

Several attendees emphasized how valuable they found the presentations and discussions during the conference. “I learned a lot,” said Sonny Situmorang, a digital creator and manager of Adventist World Radio Indonesia. “I was reminded that we must embrace social media and maximize digital discipleship in our ministry. Despite our cultural differences, I will certainly be implementing some of these ideas in Indonesia.”

“This event reminded me that the time is now to connect with people through digital means,” said Loanne Liligeto, manager of the Adventist Church official social media accounts in the Solomon Islands. “I am praying that my smartphone may be a blessing. And I am praying that, as I heard this weekend, I may feel the need to connect with God to become an authentic person as I reach others for Jesus.”

Jarrod Stackelroth, a writer and editor, discusses the power of telling your personal story. [Photo: Charmaine Patel, Adventist Record]

Before the closing of the conference on March 16, leaders invited attendees to a commissioning ceremony, where participants laid hands on each other and were prayed as a way of confirming God’s calling and its resulting commitment to share hope with those around them.

“We ask for inspiration for the call You have placed upon us,” prayed Jesse Herford, a pastor, editor, and podcaster. “We ask You to send us just as You sent your first disciples. Help us to listen to Your voice and walk in Your footsteps, and when we meet again, may there be stories of the miracles You have done through us.”

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