The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America made a united appeal to its vast membership to pursue a personal spiritual revival, as well as a corporate one, in joining efforts to reach others with the message of gospel in their communities. The appeal came during a special satellite program launched from Mandeville, Jamaica on Feb. 4, 2012. The event also signaled the launch of phase three of Inter-America’s unique comprehensive revival and reformation initiative, which began a year ago.

Church leaders and thousands of members filled the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) gymnatorium to witness the three-hour program. Spectators also filled large tents which had been setup on campus. The Hope Church Channel, Esperanza TV, 3ABN and 3ABN Latino carried the live event in addition to being streamed on the internet.

Themed as “That the World May Know,” a reference to John 17:23, the third phase of the spiritual revival will focus on making active disciples and witnesses of the gospel message. The first two phases, “Constant In Prayer” and “Heeding the Word”, emphasized a prayerful life and daily study of the Bible. The comprehensive initiative follows the appeal of the Adventist world church to facilitate spiritual revival and reformation, and discipleship and evangelism around the globe.

“Inter-America, let the world know,” said Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America. “We must let the world know what we have in our hearts, that we are longing to share the good news.”

“Revival and reformation is not something that comes and goes, it is something that it is here to stay,” he added, cementing the fact that the initiative will continue for years to come.

Adventist World Church President Pastor Ted N. C. Wilson, keynote speaker of the event, praised the church in Jamaica and in Inter-America for embracing revival and reformation.

“Be a vital beautifying force in this country,” said Pastor Wilson as he referred to the thousands viewing on the Adventist campus. “Show this nation and its students that God is in control of this institution…make it the spiritual center that it must be so ‘That the World May Know'”.

“It is an enormous privilege to be part of the Adventist movement, to be part of this family that stretches across the world,” said Pastor Wilson. “Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, for God is calling for us to be revived and reformed corporately but beginning personally,” he added.

The Adventist leader challenged everyone to stand out and speak up of Revelation 14 and recognize their role in presenting God’s message in their communities.

Top church leaders from each of the 21 church regions publically pledged to continue their united efforts in revival and reformation throughout their urban and rural areas.

That the World May Know will include the recruitment of one million active members in discipleship training in order to live a renewed life, foster functional relationships with whomever they come in contact with, and address specific needs within the church and in the community in a program called Vision One Million.

“This is a significant moment in the life of the church,” said Pastor Everett Brown, president of the church in Jamaica. “We have embraced this initiative. We have committed ourselves in Vision One Million and have a goal of training 75,000 passionate disciples so ‘That the World May Know’.”

In addition, 3 million copies of the Book The Great Controversy by Adventist pioneer Ellen G. White have been printed in Spanish, English and French for members to share with friends and neighbors as part of the third phase focused on preparing people for Jesus’ Second Coming.

For Pastor Abel Pacheco, president of the church in El Salvador, a massive distribution of the book will take place throughout the Central American country next week.

“Thousands of our church members have purchased copies for just $1.35 a piece and have begun sharing them,” said Pacheco. According to Pacheco, CDs with presentations on each of the chapters of The Great Controversy Book have been distributed among pastors in the 641 churches as well as to the group leaders in the 2,600 small groups.

The launch program was also an opportunity to inform the 3.5 million membership in Inter-America of the available new expanded version of the 28 fundamental beliefs with practical illustrations, church leaders said.

“We want Seventh-day Adventists to be educated about the Adventist culture, and have our one-million trained disciples share it with our small groups all across the territory,” said Pastor Leito.

Entitled This We Believe, the book has seen an initial printing of some 100,000 copies in English, Spanish and French by Inter-America’s two publishing houses, IADPA and GEMA.

The live program also featured how church departments and ministries are integrated with the comprehensive revival and reformation initiative continuing across the vast territory.

Part of That the World May Know initiative will also include the launch of hundreds of evangelistic campaigns throughout the territory next week and a Vision One Million evangelism satellite event on March 31, 2012.

Inter-American church leaders will continue to push towards the type of spiritual revival that will further prepare leaders, pastors, and laypeople to work together in creating an environment that can aid members in preparing them for eternal life, according to Pastor Leito.

To view the program, click here

To view photos of the event, click here

For more news on Inter-America’s Spiritual Revival and Reformation initiative and upcoming events, and activities, visit us at

Revival and Reformation webpage:
In Spanish:
Vision One Million:


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