April 16, 2016 | Caracas, Venezuela | Libna Stevens/IAD

Pastors pray for four new believers before baptizing them. More than 4,000 new members were baptized at Estadio Universitario de Caracas, during the church’s “Lord Transform Me,” evangelism program on Apr. 16, 2016. Image by Libna Stevens/IAD

Inter-America’s satellite program scheduled for today from Caracas, Venezuela, has been postponed for a later date.

“We faced some technical issues beyond our control for this transmission,” said Abel Marquez, communications director for the church in Inter-America in charge of overseeing the satellite connection.

The event will be transmitted through Hope Church Channel, Esperanza TV and 3ABN Latino at a later date.

More than 4,000 people were baptized during the morning program.

For more information and full story soon, visit interamerica.org

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