The seven graduates from the Dominican Union who completed a doctoral degree in business administration pose for a picture with IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco (front:second from the right) after the graduation ceremony ended on May 22, 2016, at Montemorelos University in North Mexico. Image by Daniel Gallardo/IAD

May 23, 2016 | Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico | Libna Stevens/IAD

Seven Seventh-day Adventist workers from the Dominican Republic were granted doctoral degrees in business administration during the last day of graduation ceremonies held for hundreds of graduates at Inter-American Division’s (IAD) Montemorelos University in Montemorelos, in North Mexico, on May 22, 2016.

There were 13 doctoral graduates with business administration and seven from the Dominican Republic include a union treasurer, a fiduciary association director, three conference treasurers, a university financial vice president, and a radio executive director. They were congratulated by messages from world church and division leaders during the morning program.

IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco just about to congratulate the vision of church leaders in the Dominican Republic. Image by Daniel Gallardo/IAD

This is the first time that such a large group of church employees from a single union were granted such a high degree in business administration across the church in Inter-America, church officials said.

IAD Treasurer Filiberto Verduzco congratulated the hundreds of graduates on behalf of Adventist World Church Treasurer Juan Prestol and Division administrators for their accomplished studies with special mention to the leadership of the church in the Dominican Republic and its doctoral graduates.

“Through this letter from Juan Prestol not only is your personal efforts recognized but the vision and leadership of the church in the Dominican Union as well,” said Verduzco.

“In the name of the world church treasurer and the Inter-American Division, we pray that the Lord continues to lead as you work, as you lead and share your God-given talents and capabilities with others and with the church in the Dominican Republic,” added Verduzco.

Pastor Prestol, who was born in the Dominican Republic and has a wealth of experience as conference treasurer, division and world church treasurer, was glad to learn that the seven graduates from the Dominican Republic have increased their capacity for service, their skills and their ability to mentor others to grow.

“It feels good to see leaders respond positively to the calling of the Lord to expand their horizons,” said Prestol. “They understand better the ways the Lord can use them.”

The accomplishment of the business administration doctoral graduates is an example for the rest of the territory in Inter-America and one that will bring strength to the leadership of the church in the Dominican Union, said Verduzco.

“One of the best investments by the Adventist Church is to train men and women to serve the Lord with love, dedication,” said Pastor Cesario Acevedo, president of the church in the Dominican Republic. “This doctoral training of our employees positions us well to the demands of the 21st century.”

For Moisé Javier, who has worked as treasurer of the Dominican Union for more than 15 years, completing a doctoral degree in business administration has meant the kind of sacrifice that will help strengthen the church and position it to provide superior quality service in his country.

Hundreds of graduates during the ceremony at the Montemorelos University Church on May 22, 2016.

“This training will allow us to be able to train others in our church’s post-graduate business schools, lead in business administration research centers, conduct business consultations in the private and public sector, and take part in research projects,” said Javier.

The post-graduate degrees have meant a financial sacrifice by the church across the island and to the graduates who have also had to pay a percentage through a financial plan put in place, said Javier. “I am sure that my church will not be the same because the academic preparation of our administrators graduating today will translate into better served churches, better trained pastors, and institutions that are more financially solid,” Javier explained.

For Belkis Alcántara, the completion of her new degree will better equip her to lead the fiduciary association at the Dominican Union office, of which she has been the director for more than 10 years.

She sees the knowledge she has acquired through her doctoral degree as a treasure. “When you acquire knowledge this is a great treasure that will always be with you. It could be that you will not be rich but if you have knowledge that is a treasure,” she remembers her parents telling her when she was young.

“It hasn’t been easy studying while being a pastor’s wife, mother, worker and a student,” said Alcántara, but she praises God and thanks the church for providing the opportunity to better serve the church.

Miqueas Fortunato feels ecstatic after completing three years of studies by spending summers at Montemorelos University while serving as executive director for the church’s Radio Amanecer in the Dominican Republic for more than 12 years.

“This new degree will help me conduct and disseminate empirical and theoretical research in my work at the radio station as I strive to contribute creatively to my church,” said Fortunato. His doctoral research was on corporate image, marketing and social responsibility. “I actually feel smaller now and with great enthusiasm to serve God and His church,” Fortunato said.

Those from the Dominican Union who received doctoral degrees in business administration at Montemorelos include:

Moisé Javier, treasurer of the Domnican Union
Belkis Alcántara, director of the Dominican Adventist Fiduciary Association
Clara Silvestre, treasurer of the Southeast Dominican Conference
Winston Hiciano, treasurer of the Central Dominican Conference
Javier Roman, vice president of financial affairs at the Dominican Adventist University
Miqueas Fortunato, executive director of Radio Amanecer
Jerson Gonzalez, secretary-treasurer of the North Dominican Conference

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