Warsaw, Poland …. [ANN Staff]

Poland’s new status as a member of the European Union, and developments within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, were main topics of discussion between Aleksander Kwasniewski, president of the Republic of Poland, and Bert B. Beach, general secretary of the Church’s Council on Inter-Church Relations. The two met April 26.

“It was both an honor and pleasure to meet President Kwasniewski again,” said Beach. “He has always been open to and favorable to the

Seventh-day Adventist Church, even before becoming president.”

Kwasniewski was also interested in discussing the current world situation, and during the meeting expressed “the desire to be invited to visit the local Adventist Church in the town of Wisla in Southern Poland. The interest was spurred by the fact that he recently had restored the old presidential palace in Wisla. Naturally, we were pleased to hear [of] his initiative,” Beach added.

Beach, whose visits to Poland span over 40 years, was involved with frequent contacts, both inter-church and church-state, during the years when Poland was a member-country of the Communist block.

During his visit to Poland, Beach, who until last year was secretary-general of Christian World Communions–a group that represents 2 billion Christians from a variety of denominations globally, had an opportunity to visit with representatives of Christian denominations. Kwasniewski received the Adventist leader in the president’s palace. Beach was accompanied by his wife, Eliane; Pawel Lazar, president of the Adventist Church in Poland; Roman Chalupka, secretary of the church; and Zachariasz Lyko, former secretary.

Copyright © 2005 by Adventist News Network.

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