Silver Spring, Maryland, United States …. [Nadia McGill/ANN Staff]

They came from Togo, Guinea, Yemen, Nepal and Cambodia to the annual Global Health Council (GHC) conference in Washington, D.C. to share with a worldwide group their work in family planning, empowering women, child health projects and health care programs. The eight representatives, of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), attended the May 30 to June 3 meeting of what GHC calls “the world’s largest membership alliance dedicated to saving lives by improving health throughout the world.”

“Global Health is an excellent opportunity to learn what other organizations are doing globally, in a variety of interventions that have an impact on health,” said Ron Mataya, director of health for ADRA International. “It is also an opportune time to meet old friends and partners in health programming and to also build and foster new partnerships.”

One ADRA presentation from Yemen focused on building, strengthening and supporting health systems in difficult environments. This reflected an ADRA-led project funded by the United States that helped rehabilitate clinics, refurbish equipment, and train local health care providers such as nurses, midwives, and physicians.

This year marks the 32nd anniversary of the Global Health Conference.

GHC is a United States-based, non-profit organization created in 1972 to identify potential world health problems, and report them to the U.S. public, legislators, international and domestic government agencies, schools, and the worldwide health community.

Some of GHC’s diverse membership includes Christian Children’s Fund, Inc., Health for Humanity, March of Dimes, Pan American Health Organization, The Rockefeller Foundation, World Vision USA and Yale University — Division of Global Health.

ADRA continues to be a global player in providing food security, economic development, primary health, emergency management and basic education.

Copyright © 2005 by Adventist News Network.

Image by Image by ANN. ADRA
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