St. Louis, Missouri, United States….[Libna Stevens/IAD]

With its traditional colorful flags and happy people, Inter-America will have its chance to report its progress during the past five years to the delegates and attendees at the 58th General Conference Session on Thursday evening, July 7, 2005. Set up with a steel band from Trinidad and marimbas, church leaders, along with the delegation, will appear on stage with flags and traditional folklore.

The video presentation, themed “Evangeliving–A culture for Inter-America,” will highlight the strides and accomplishments of the church leaders and members during 2000-2005. Reaching over 500,000 baptisms during the last five-year period with its Evangeliving–or living the gospel– approach, the program will show the world how it has reached its 2.5 million member mark in only five years.

The Inter-American Division General Conference Session Report will follow the special service program carried live through the Hope Channel TV, July 7, 7:00 p.m. Central Time (8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time/Miami Time).

To view program go to or view the live webcast report at

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez

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