October 10, 2005 Silver Spring, Maryland, united States ….[Presidential Department]


Tell the World is a vision for how the gospel of Jesus will be shared by the Seventh-day Adventist Church from 2005-2010. It focuses the church on its identity as a called out community and its end time mission of proclaiming the gospel to “every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” (Revelation 14:6 KJV). The vision is clear: to invite every person in the world to respond to the good news about Jesus and His soon coming.

Tell the World is more than a program. It is more than a slogan. It is a vision of what the church, by God’s grace, will be and do in fulfilling the command of Jesus to preach the Gospel to every creature. Tell the World is an individual and corporate commitment to live out the key values of quality of life, unity, and growth in God’s family.

Tell the World inspires the church to know Jesus personally, to share Him enthusiastically, and to proclaim His name with one voice. Can we even begin to comprehend what God might do through His people in reaping earth’s harvest? Imagine a global community living out the life of Christ in selfless service, a praying people empowered by His Spirit, nurtured on God’s Word, and united in mission will fulfill their destiny as God’s ambassadors to a waiting world.

The church has identified seven key areas on which to focus its resources, energies and prayers. These seven areas will unite the entire church in a vision of sharing the good news. They will involve every level of church leadership, every institution, every service, every initiative, and every church member.

Goals for 2005-2010

1. Spiritual Growth: Increase the percentage of church members spending time in daily Bible study and prayer from 50 percent to at least 65 percent.

2. Community Involvement: Increase the percentage of church members involved in community service from 29 percent to at least 40 percent.

3. Personal Witness: challenge five million Seventh-day Adventists to reach at least one person for Jesus and bring them into fellowship with God’s family by 2010.

4. City Outreach: Building on Hope for the Big Cities to plant and establish new congregations in more than 27 large cities around the world.

5. Church Planting: Plant and nurture 20,000 new congregations in unentered areas while also providing proper nurture for the 17,000 congregations planted between 2000 and 2005.

6. Evangelistic Programming: Involve every church in an annual evangelistic event resulting in 400,000 evangelistic outreach and discipleship programs, including 100,000 youth evangelistic series.

7. Media Ministry: Creatively use technology and communication
channels-radio, television, the internet, publications-to reach every person in the world with the gospel message.

Implementation Priorities

1. “Owned” by divisions, unions, and conferences with the General Conference providing support through visioning and resource assistance.
2. Flexible, incorporating the plans and initiatives of divisions, unions, and conferences.
3. Placed on the agenda at each Annual Council for discussion, reports, and actions.
4. Communicated to the world church clearly, quickly and regularly.
5. A high priority for all departments, institutions, and entities throughout the world field.
6. A matter of prayer and consideration for all church leaders, at every church level, as they develop plans within their spheres of responsibility.

Tell the World envisions a church of praying members, filled with the Spirit, nurtured on God’s Word. A church where all departments, entities, leaders, and members are unified in a single-minded mission. A church that provides an opportunity for the entire world to hear and respond to the good news about Jesus Christ.

Copyright © 2005 by Adventist News Network

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