Silver Spring, Maryland, United States …. [Nadia McGill/ADRA/ANN Staff]

Following mudslides and other hurricane damage that ravaged the lives of tens of thousands, victims of Hurricane Stan are receiving food aid from the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, ADRA International.

In El Salvador, ADRA is delivering food baskets to families whose homes have been damaged or destroyed during the hurricane. “In the shelters, hunger is real, and the scarcity of foodstuffs is creating a crisis across the country,” reported Reynaldo Canales, country director for ADRA El Salvador. The baskets each provide basic food staples such as, corn masa (a pre-made dough used to make tortillas), rice, beans, sugar, cooking oil, soup, spaghetti, enriched flour, and salt.

ADRA is working in cooperation with La Comisión Permanente de Contingencies (COPECO) the national commission for emergencies in Honduras. In partnership with COPECO, ADRA is providing food to families in Honduras who lost their homes during Hurricane Stan. 375 families will receive a 52-pound bag of rice, sugar, beans, oil, corn flour, salt, pasta, tomato sauce, and oats.

“Even though different organizations have been assisting the victims, the situation is getting worse,” commented Walter Britton, country director for ADRA Honduras. “The very severity of the storm makes it clear that relief is needed immediately.” The project is worth U.S. $10,000.

“ADRA is responding to the desperate needs of families in Central America that have been struck by complete devastation, ” said Frank Teeuwen, bureau chief for Emergency Management and Disaster Response at ADRA International.

ADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, or ethnicity.

Image by Image by ANN. Moises Vidal/IAD/ANN

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