Kingston, Jamaica…[Arlington R. Woodburn/IAD]
The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the East Jamaica Conference recently began webcasting of worship services and sermons for online users and Jamaicans all over the world to watch the church’s worship services. With 37 pastoral districts and 135 churches and congregations, the webcast will feature a different church every week.
“With several hundred thousand Jamaicans outside of Jamaica, we are very excited to reach them as well as help them connect to their own churches in Jamaica,” said Pastor Adrian A. Cotterell, president of the church in East Jamaica. “In essence, as part of our ‘Tell the World’ campaign, we are inviting the entire world to our churches.”
According to Pastor Arlington R. Woodburn, communications director for the church in East Jamaica “with this new technology, our conference members, as well as other Jamaicans or non-Jamaicans, can join in our prayers and worship services.” “We are living in a Global Village today, where families and friends are widely dispersed all over the world,” he added.
Organized in 1903, the Church in East Jamaica is comprised of four regions with nearly 60,000 Seventh-day Adventist members.
To view stream videos of church services in East Jamaica, go to