February 25, 2008 – Miami, Florida…[Libna Stevens/IAD]
As Inter-America’s Pentecost and More initiative comes to an end in less than three weeks, Seventh-day Adventist churches across the territory are intensifying their evangelistic efforts to celebrate massive baptisms on Sabbath, Mar. 15. The Pentecost and More initiative is an Inter-American initiative derived from the Biblical pentecost experience recorded in the book of Acts 2.
“Everyone [in our territory] is involved in an evangelistic series right now, said Pastor Balvin Braham, associate ministerial secretary for the church in Inter-America. “In homes, under tents, in churches, everyone involved in studying and teaching the Bible.”
In Nassau, Bahamas, over 2,000 people gathered under a large tent for an evangelistic crusade which began on Feb. 16 and will continue throughout the next days.
Similarly, in Jamaica, where the Pentecost and More satellite program will be hosted, dozens of evangelistic campaigns are in full force in churches and tents throughout the island as the IAD satellite program nears. Church leaders there expect to baptize some 3,000 new believers during the three-and-a-half-hour event which will be held from the National Arena in Kingston, Jamaica.
The live event will be broadcast worldwide through The Hope Channel, Esperanza TV, 3ABN, 3ABN Latino, and Red Advenir networks, at 10:30 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. For regional time zones follow this link https://recursing-golick.147-182-135-0.plesk.page/users/index.php?type=resource&id=401&language=en
For more information on the Pentecost and More satellite series, visit www.interamerica.org, or email with your questions pentecost@interamerica.org