August 16, 2010 -Guatemala City, Guatemala…[Juan Lopez/IAD Staff]

The government ofGuatemala presented an honorable distinction to Pastor Mario Calderon, presidentof the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Guatemala, and other church leadersduring the Change of the White Rose of Peace Ceremony at the National Palace ofCulture’s courtyard, in Guatemala City, Aug. 5, 2010. Guatemala’s honorabledistinction is grated to people who have contributed to the peace and wellbeingof the nation.

“This honor ofparticipating in the in the Change of the White Rose of the Peace is granted tothe Adventist Church, represented by its president Mario Calderon, for its 100years of being present in Guatemala, sharing love, hope and above all peace tomen of good will,” stated government officials.

The official ceremonycame about after the signing of peace accords ending Guatemala’s 36-year civilwar in 1996. Everyday since then, a white rose is replaced on the monument inthe courtyard of the National Palace by an army honor guard or a distinguishedpersonality to celebrate another day of peace in the country.

Pastor Calderonthanked government leaders on behalf of the 216,000 church members in Guatemalafor such a high distinction and stated that the church is committed tocontinuing the promotion of peace.

Calderon was named asAmbassador of Peace along with six Adventist ministers and laypeople.

“As a minister of theGospel, I am delighted to express my gratitude to the Seventh-day AdventistChurch worldwide whom I represent today with dignity and respect in thiscountry,” said Calderon. “More than 102 years since this Adventist message cameto Guatemala and from its beginnings, the church has promoted spiritual valuesand a healthy lifestyle to change the heart of people through the work of theHoly Spirit.”

The church inGuatemala, through its many initiatives in the community and together with the AdventistDevelopment and Relief Agency (ADRA) of Guatemala, have continued to aid thoseaffected by disasters and earthquakes, through its literacy and other programs.

The Adventist Churchin Guatemala has more than 216,000 church members, operates 7 regional offices,867 churches and congregations, and 25 schools.

To view a photo gallery of the event, go to

Image by Image by ANN. Boris Barrios/IAD
Image by Image by ANN Boris Barrios/IAD

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