June 9, 2011– Miami, Florida, United States…Libna Stevens/IAD

Seventh-day Adventistfamilies throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) territory will open theirhomes to offer prayer, fellowship, and hope for families this weekend. Theactivity is part of the church’s Constantin Prayer revival program launched earlier this year, and one that fallsunder the spiritual revival and reformation initiative established by the worldchurch.

It becomes the firstorganized division-wide initiative to focus on families in the community andone top church leaders are excited about.

“There aretwo characteristics we want to imprint through this activity,” says PastorRoberto Herrera, revival and reformation coordinator for the church inInter-America. “That it is a simple activity that makes it possible for ourmembers and friends to participate without generating any kind of expense norinterferes with church activities and it is also a transcendent activity.

The simple plan has been tomobilize thousands of church members to open their homes to pray and speak ofthe power of God through prayer, according to Herrera.

“Just imagine the spiritualand evangelistic potential as Adventist homes become prayer centers and home tosmall groups. Imagine if Inter-America captures this vision,” explainedHerrera.

It’s not only gatheringneighbors and praying for them but sending the clear message to church membersand the community on the need for healthy families and the power of prayer toaccomplish that, church leaders said.

“Ourfamilies are being threatened by many forces led by the Enemy,” saysPastor Pedro Iglesias, family ministries director for the church inInter-America involved in the coordination of the program. “The devillooks to penetrate that sacred link in more and more subtle ways to destroy thefamily. Parents must arm themselves with many tools to confront this thread andprayer is the main tool that can connect us with that fountain of power whichis God.”

“This is simply a wonderful and exciting activity because the culture ofour countries places special value on friendship and sharing with others,” saidHerrera. “In addition, this initiative also helps our members to care for theirspiritual life first in their home, in their personal and family life and in thechurch.”

With morethan 10,000 churches and congregations throughout Inter-America gatheringthousands of church members every week, leaders hope this activity will strengthenAdventist homes to become shinning lights in their communities.

Thousandsof special DVDs on the importance of prayer have been distributed in the threelanguages, as well as suggested program flyers for the event. Special decalswith the words “This House is called a House of Prayer” have beendistributed to the membership throughout Inter-America.

Plans areunderway to distribute thousands of Bibles on June 10. In addition, on Saturday,June 11, churches will hold baptismal ceremonies throughout the IAD.

To findout more about Inter-America’s Constant in Prayer initiative, visit us at
www.praying4revival.org and www.estamosorando.org

For newsupdates on Constant in Prayer initiative throughout the IAD, visit us at www.interamerica.org

Constant in Prayer: http://praying4revival.org
Facebook – click here

Spanish Resources
Constantes en la Oracion: http://estamosorando.org
Facebook click here

Image by Image by ANN. Abel Marquez/IAD

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