
Adventist Chaplaincy Ministry

Hiram Ruiz


Leticia Leito


Adventist Chaplaincy Ministry

The purpose of the Adventist chaplaincy ministry and the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are one: “To proclaim to the world the everlasting gospel. Thus, restoring shattered humanity to wholeness in its relationship with God.

Christ modeled this ministry of restoration and entrusted the church with its continuance. “Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Savior mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, “Follow Me.” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 143.3).

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries seeks to establish a worldwide network of Adventist chaplains who responsibly care for the spiritual health of those in their care. Adventist chaplains enhance the mission outreach of the church, validating the authenticity of its pastoral ministry.

Adventist Chaplaincy Ministries provides guidelines for applying the standards established by the General Conference to the world field.

Who is a chaplain? Rivera (2010) contextualizes it as follows: “The term chaplain comes from the Latin word Capellanus. It applies to the person who exercises the office of ministering and giving spiritual support to those who arise, guiding them in the cultivation of faith in God and a healthy self-esteem so that they can cope with the crisis situation they are living. The word came into use with the appointment of a clergyman as minister to the monarch, who was not in charge of a parish but provided care for the spiritual life of the monarch and his court. He was invested with ecclesiastical authority and had a chapel” (p.13).

“Paget and McCormack (2006) consider that “chaplaincy ministry develops because people need pastoral care even when they do not belong to a church (or its faith equivalent) and especially when they are going through a crisis…This ministry originally started to address the needs of employees of government and its agencies, such as the military and hospitals, today it is often an initiative of faith-based organizations and victims of critical events” (p. 5).

Speaking of school chaplaincy De la Cruz (2013) considers that the chaplain “seeks to promote a balanced, healthy and harmonious environment, as well as the development and spiritual well-being of the community… likewise seeks to promote fellowship, solidarity and service to others, also promotes the highest levels of civic morality. The mission is to anticipate and respond with real solutions to the great need for emotional and spiritual guidance and support in times of personal or collective crisis…” (pp. 33-34). (pp. 33-34).

Clinical Pastoral Education

Application to enter the Clinical Pastoral Education Program

Theme Song

Chapliancy Recordings

Mayo 28, 2024


Passcode: G6#mkmHn


Abril 30, 2024


Passcode: Zkp1@Z?H


Marzo 26, 2024


Passcode: R$e$2XQ=


Enero 30, 2024


Passcode: ?mUM?5Vm


Noviembre 28, 2023


Passcode: 8fD#6%qF


Octubre 31, 2023


Passcode: 4Fq6BG@z


Septiembre 26, 2023


Passcode: k^$d8f71


Agosto 29, 2023


Passcode: #4?+lgJ4


Mayo 30, 2023


Passcode: =XdMv*A0


Abril 25, 2023


Passcode: wd1?g+FG


Marzo 28, 2023


Passcode: #0Su0?%1


Febrero 28, 2023


Passcode: $Vqr2naL


Enero 31, 2023


Passcode: u?9ge8s&


Marzo 29, 2023


Passcode: wd#E&U7K


Mayo 31, 2022


Passcode: 8GnG2P5&


Abril 26, 2022


Passcode: Li*DkHN2



Passcode: ?mUM?5Vm