June 2023


World Public Campus Ministries Day

By Public Campus Ministries

About the event

Public Campus Ministry Day 2023 (#PCM23) is a global program celebrated at the local church level. PCM is the ministry to Adventist students and faculty on public university and college campuses that will help PCM members to understand that compassion is not just about meeting the needs of someone in the moment, but it is also about giving what is right, useful, and beneficial to the person being helped. It is our hope that this PCM Day will inspire you to be more like Jesus when you look at others. Like the Bible records in Mark 6:34, may we also be deeply moved when we see our families, friends, workmates, classmates, and even the stranger on the streets heading for eternal death. Jesus was so deeply moved with compassion when he looked at them and saw that they were headed to death that he stopped and took the time to teach them. To show them how they could be saved from sin.




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