Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands…[IAD Staff]

Seventh-day Adventists in the Cayman Islands celebrated the upgrade of their mission office to a conference after a long awaited status change. Packed with local church leaders and West Indies Union officials, Division officials, and a special guest speaker from the Cayman House of Parliament, the new sign of the conference was unveiled in a special ceremony on June 12.

Dr. Patrick Allen, president of the church in the West Indies Union territory challenged the members of the new conference to support the conference and its institution sand pray for its leaders.

Pastor Israel Leito, president for the church in Inter-America, was present for the event and challenged the leaders in Cayman Islands to continue making the church a positive influence in the community.

The inaugural ceremony and unveiling of a new sign for the Cayman Islands Conference was part of the weekend activities. Leaders were also elected for the next four years during a session meeting. Delegates to the session meeting also elected an executive committee to guide the affairs of the conference for the next four years.

Pastor Jeffrey K. Thompson, who was re-elected as president of the church in Cayman Islands, presented a growth report of the islands. The reports stated that it holds the highest number of  Adventists per inhabitants in the Division territory.

Organized in 1944 and later reorganized in 1954, the Cayman Islands Conference is located in Grand Cayman, one of three  islands located in the Caribbean Sea.

There are nearly 2,500 Seventh-day Adventists worshiping in 9 churches in the Cayman Islands.

The newly-elected conference leaders are:

President: Pastor Jeffrey K. Thompson

Secretary: Pastor Wilton G. McDonald

Treasurer: Mrs Sheila L. Woods

Personal Ministries & Family Life: Pastor Shian Oconnor

Youth and Education: Pastor Reynaldo Dracket

Trust Services : Mrs Sheila Woods

Ministerial & Publishing: Pastor W G McDonald

Communication, Religious Liberty & Stewardship: Pastor Jeff K Thompson

Image by Image by ANN. IAD
Image by Image by ANN IAD

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