Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

The Inter-American Division held a commissioning service on Jan. 4 for non-ordained church leaders who presently perform significant responsibilities in their work for the church. The service was held at the Division headquarters in Miami, Florida.

The service comes as the result of the General Conference, decided to issue a special credential to certain category of workers who perform certain duties and can receive certain privileges that so far have been reserved only for ordained ministers, according to Israel Leito, president for the church in Inter-America.

“This is not an ordination to the ministry, for the church has decided that only those who are in the ministerial line are eligible for ordination,” Leito says. “However, there are certain church leaders, who although they may not qualify for ordination to the ministry, are carrying significant leadership responsibilities in the church.”

Such leaders will receive a status with their duties and receive credentials as a commissioned minister. “This is the closest to ordination anyone can get,” says Leito.

Although commissioned ministers will receive privileges similar to ordained ministers, there are restrictions as to whom such credential may be issued. A commissioned minister may not perform certain duties of an ordained minister such as baptize, officiate weddings, conduct communion services, organize churches and the like. However, if a commissioned minister is also an ordained church elder, he/she may be allowed to perform the duties of a church elder in their local church congregation.

The candidates who were issued as commissioned ministers at the service were: Dr. Carlos Archbold, Education director; Guillermo Gonzalez, associate treasurer; Waveney Martinborough, Women’s Ministries director, Evelyn OmaZa, Children’s ministries and Shepherdess director; Beulah A. Petersion, undertreasurer; Faye Reid, associate secretary; Sonja Thomas, associate treasurer; and Joel Zukovski, Health Food Company general manager.

After the introduction of the candidates, a special prayer of dedication and issuing of certificates and credentials followed by Pastor Juan O. Perla, executive secretary for the IAD and Pastor Israel Leito.

Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens
Image by Image by ANN Libna Stevens

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