Montemorelos, Nuevo Leon, Mexico…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

Following the unprecedented success of Inter-America's “Pentecost and More”, a massive evangelistic effort which climaxed with more than 48,000 baptisms throughout the territory in a single day, the church’s executive committee began its session thanking and honoring church leadership representing 15 church regions for the countless efforts of leaders, pastors, laypersons and church members who contributed to the success of the evangelistic program.

During the first order of business on May 8th, every church region president was presented with a special plaque of recognition for their union’s dedicated commitment in implementing the evangelistic plan and carrying it out throughout their churches for months.

Pastor Balvin Braham, Ministerial Association associate director for the church in Inter-America, reported to committee members a partial evaluation on response data collected that led up to the massive baptismal ceremonies, which were carried live on satellite March 24.

“‘Pentecost and More’ electrified the entire Inter-American Division territory,” said Pastor Braham. “We are totally satisfied with each one of the fields of the Division which took the program, personalized the program, adopted the program and we praise God for the success reached.”

That electrifying revival and its success prompted church leaders to make ‘Pentecost and More’ a yearly event for the next three years as the new paradigm to reach all peoples in the IAD.

Committee members voted an eight-page document which details the program’s yearly drive of intense evangelism efforts that will involve all churches participating in simultaneous baptisms in a single day. The strategy’s objectives are for stronger efforts to reach all levels of society with a strong emphasis on reaching high levels of government, the business sector and financial institutions.

Next year’s ‘Pentecost and More’ satellite event is scheduled to take place on March 15 from Jamaica.

Braham also presented a special award to the church region which obtained the highest increase in baptisms during a two-year period through a specific evangelism incentive plan offered to all 15 church regions of the IAD.

The IAD Prestigious Evangelism Trophy was awarded to the the Mid-Central American Union for its outstanding growth in 2006 in comparison with the previous year. The union had over 11,000 members baptized in 2005 and over 42,000 baptized in 2006–an increase of 257 percent. Other factors such as increase in tithe percentage and offering percentage were also factors taken into consideration.

Pastor Israel Leito, president of the church in Inter-America, thanked the honored union comprised of the Central American countries of Honduras and El Salvador for their membership growth success.

“It is a great pleasure give recognition to the Mid-Central American Union for the way they allowed themselves to be used by the Spirit of God and how the leadership has inspired the church to reach those accomplishments,” said Pastor Leito.

In addition, the awarded union will receive special appropriations for evangelism activities.

Next year, the prestigious trophy, which is a rotating one, will be up for grabs to the union with the highest increase in membership growth.


Image by Image by ANN. Libna Stevens/IAD

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