Maturin, Venezuela…[Alejandra Ortiz/IAD Staff]Thousands of Adventist young people set up hundreds of tents during Venezuela’s eastern region youth camporee last month. The more than 2,800 master guides and pathfinders gathered at the Morichal grounds.

The six-day camping event gathered young Adventist leaders for physical, social and spiritual activities.

Evangelist Andrews Dinamarca was the guest speaker during the week’s worship meetings. He challenged the young people to recommit faith and trust in God and dedicate themselves to spreading the message of salvation to the rest of the country. Dinamarca also made an open invitation for those who wanted to surrender their lives fully to Jesus through baptism. More than 210 young people made the decision and were baptized during the week.

During the event, 128 clubs from churches in the eastern Venezuela region in this year’s event.

Image by Image by ANN. Venezuela Antilles Union
Image by Image by ANN Venezuela Antilles Union

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