Miami, Florida, United States…[Libna Stevens/IAD]

In less than two months, about 5,000 Seventh-day Adventists from throughout the Inter-American region are expected to gather in Medellin, Colombia for a division-wide Adventist Youth Leadership and Prayer Convention. Adventist youth leaders representing Inter-America's 15 major church regions are in for a big treat during the July 24-28 event, organizers say.

The convention promises to motivate youth leaders to seek a closer relationship with God and a continued commitment to serving others in the community.

“Our main focus with this convention is for youth leaders to learn to love, live and serve in their community as Jesus did,” says Pastor Bernardo Rodriguez, Youth Ministries director for the church in Inter-America and organizer of the event.

The convention will include special messages, various seminars, daily community service activities, prayer sessions, a massive blood drive, the Bible Bowl finals, and more. Featured speakers will include Doug Batchelor, Pastor Armando Miranda, Pastor Hiskia Missah, Pastor Baraka Muganda, Pastor Jose Rojas, Pastor Israel Leito and Dr. Allan Handysides, among others.

The event will be broadcast live over the internet on July 24 starting at 7:45 p.m. (Miami Time).

Young people may register to attend with their regional or union youth ministries leader or online at

For more information and daily coverage of Inter-America's Youth Convention visit

Image by Image by ANN. Inter-American Division

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