9 Dec 2009, Silver Spring, Maryland, United States…ANN Staff

The international paper for Seventh-day Adventist Church, Adventist World, is adding new languages in both print and online editions to benefit language groups in Europe and Asia.

Six months after the online launch of a German-language edition, an estimated 25,000 Adventist Church members in Germany and Switzerland will begin receiving monthly print copies of Adventist World in their own language, Adventist Review staff said.

The launch is in partnership with Advent-Verlag, a church-owned publishing house based in Lueneburg, near Hamburg, Germany, which is launching a new denominational magazine for its membership area at the same time.

The Austrian Union also plans to launch a new magazine, with Adventist World as an insert to be distributed throughout Austria, church leaders said.

“We at Advent-Verlag are excited on behalf of our readers in the German-speaking territory,” said publishing house editor Eli Diez-Prida. “We have always published short news about the work in our magazine, but now the relationship and the identification with the world church will be promoted much more. ”

There are about 45,000 German-speaking Adventist members in Germany, Switzerland and Austria combined.

Adventist World also launched a Vietnamese language online edition in October 2009. The move came about a year after the Adventist church in Vietnam received official recognition by the government and will be available to some 14,000 Vietnamese members, Review staff said.

Two additional versions of Adventist World will be introduced on the Web in January 2010. The new editions will be in Romanian, with about 100,000 Adventist members, and Urdu, Pakistan's dominant language, with about 12,000 members.

By 2010, Adventist World will be published in seven languages in print editions and 11 language editions on the Web, including Russian, Chinese and Korean.

For more information, visit Adventist World online.

Image by Image by ANN. Adventist News Network

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