Dec. 17, 2012 Silver Spring, Maryland, United States
ANN staff

Seventh-day Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson offers a message of reconciliation between God and humanity during his Christmas appeal to church and community members worldwide.

Instruments from around the world are featured in “God’s Gifts,” a music video highlighting music from each of the Adventist Church’s international regions. The video appears in Adventist Church President Ted N. C. Wilson’s Christmas message. Image by Adventist News Network

In the half-hour “Revival for Mission: Christmas Special” video – available HERE – Wilson tells of a loving God pursuing a relationship with humanity.

Wilson is also joined by his wife Nancy, who tells the original Christmas story through the eyes of a young shepherd.

The president’s message also features the new music video “God’s Gifts.” The video is a Christmas-music medley with dozens of performers and instruments from around the world. Featured instruments include a Trinidad steel drum, a Peruvian pan flute, a Kenyan choir, an Indian sitar, a Chinese guzhen and an American banjo.

Producer Marcelo Capuchinho says music throughout the president’s message was chosen to represent each region of the world church.

“We all have different styles and approaches to Christmas,” Capuchinho said, “but the one language we all speak and understand is music. It’s the same songs praising Jesus’ birth in every culture.”

The Christmas special is available in multiple languages. It is also available in various formats for personal viewings and public showings.

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