January 21, 2021 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

The four previous winners of Inter-American Division’s annual, territory-wide Bible Connection competition will get a chance to battle it out on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021. The winners will answer dozens of questions on the Book of Psalms during the two-hour online event. The bible competition will crown the top winner for the 2016-2020 quinquennium.

Zarit Mendez of North Colombia, the 2016 winner, Francisco Jané of Central Mexico, the 2017 second-place winner, Edna Ventura of Chiapas Mexico, the 2018 winner, and Veronica Solis of Chiapas, Mexico, the 2019 winner, will get a chance to test their bible knowledge for the ingle spot as a youth delegate to represent the Inter-American Division during the Adventist World Church’s General Conference Session, re-scheduled to take place in Indianapolis, United States, June of 2022.

This is the first time that three of the young people competing in the upcoming quinquennial bible competition are from Mexico, and one from North Colombia said Pastor Al Powell, youth ministries director for the church in Inter-America in charge of the bible-study youth program.

The four finalists who will compete on Jan. 30, 2021. [Image: Inter-American Division]

“It brings us great joy to see so many young people involved in studying the Bible all across Inter-America year after year, and what better way to show how important this initiative continues to be in preparing young people for the Kingdom than through this grand competition,” said Powell.

The Book of Psalms was important for the young finalists to study because it is all about teaching how King David grew as a leaders and how he was tested throughout every aspect of his life, said Powell. “King David fell and God helped him get back on his feet and along the way David continue to serve Him until the end of his days,” he added. “Young people should realize that even though they may fall, they should never give up, and should commit their lives to God.”

The online event was scheduled to be earlier in the month, but since the time of the General Conference Session was still being debated, it was decided to postpone the online event until official word came last week, explained Powell.

The quinquennial competition is the third such event organized in Inter-America since the bible reading initiative has been heavily implemented since 2004.

The four participants will answer 100 multiple-choice questions on Psalms 1-150, in five rounds of questions in front of an online audience from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Miami time, on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2021.

The event will be presented in Spanish, English and French, and will feature segments of appreciation to outstanding youth leaders committed to strengthening young people since 2015.

To view Inter-America’s Quinquennial Bible Connection competition, go to webcast.interamerica.org

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