April 7, 2022 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News

As part of centennial celebration initiatives and activities being carried out this year across the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Inter-American Division, families will get to take part in a special worship time on Friday, Apr. 15, 2022.

“As Seventh-day Adventists, we believe that the home is at the heart of the church and at the heart of society, and the nation in general, so we want to emphasize through this special worship time starting sunset Friday evening to praise and thank God for His goodness,” said Pastor Pedro Iglesias, family ministries director for the church in Inter-America. “This a special time to pray, consecrate our lives and dedicate our talents to God and the church.”

It is a time to pray as a church, to be involved in the mission of the church, and to spread the good news of the gospel everywhere, he said.

The special activity will allow Adventist families to invite their neighbors for worship and pray with them as well, said Iglesias.

“The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America is celebrating one hundred years of blessings, where we saw growth go from 8,146 members and 221 churches  to more than 3.7 million members  in more than 23,000 congregations today,” said Iglesias. “And it all began at the heart of the church—in the home. We are inviting every family across Inter-America to pray for more blessings as the work of reaching more people for the Kingdom still needs to get done.”

Unions across the territory are adopting the suggested program shared online and many are holding specific programs for each family across local congregations, he said.

To find out a suggested program to follow on Apr. 15, 2022, in the home, click HERE



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