Administrators of the North Colombia Union get ready to march down with their banner in commitment to “All the Family in Mission” comprehensive evangelism initiative in 2024, where the union will involve more than 10,000 families, 8,500 singles and 1,252 local churches in mission next year. The territory-wide online launch program took lace in Miami, Florida, United States, on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, ahead of the church’s Year-End business meetings. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
Seventh-day Adventist Leaders in the Inter-American Division (IAD) launched their comprehensive evangelism initiatives and activities for 2024 during a special online program on Oct. 28, 2023, amid the church’s year-end church business meetings in Miami, Florida, United States.
Themed as “All the Family in Mission,” the year-round initiative will seek to engage all members of the church to participate in the fulfillment of the mission, said Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the IAD overseeing evangelism. “We want to involve every member in the family of God to be engaged in preaching the everlasting gospel because it won’t be long…Jesus will come and we shall be home,” said Braham. It’s about seeing leaders and members participating in both personal and public evangelism outreach initiatives with the goal of more member involvement in missions, he explained.
Pastor Balvin Braham, vice president of the Inter-American Division, presents items of the All the Family in Mission initiative on stage with department heads and administrators. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
In preparation to take part in the specific initiative goals, the first three months of the year will see enlisted pastoral families, children, youth, and young adults participating in spiritual growth activities. Church members can commit to the year-round initiative by logging on to
Ivelisse Herrera, treasurer of the Inter-American Division, prays during the start of the initiative launch on Sabbath, Oct. 2023. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
Quarterly reaping campaigns will see massive territory-wide coordinated baptismal ceremonies throughout the IAD on April 20th, June 29th, and September 28th, 2024, announced Braham.
Pastor Everett Brown (right) president of Jamaica Union, affirms his administration’s commitment to involving more than 10,000 families, 30,000 singles and 500 local churches in the initiative. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
In referencing the message in Haggai, Pastor Henry encouraged leaders and members to active participation in the mission. It’s not just knowing about the mission, he said, but going into action in the mission. It takes a lot of work and requires planning and perspiration, he said. “We have to get up and get active in planning, building tools, materials, time, talents, finances, and each one of us has a part to do,” said Pastor Henry.
Pastor Elie Henry, president of the IAD, challenges leaders and church members to be active in the mission of reaching others with the gospel message for Jesus’ Second Coming. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
“There are so many people around us in Mexico, all of Central America, in the islands, Venezuela, Colombia, so many who need to come to Jesus, and we have to build that great family of God, announcing that Jesus is coming soon,” Pastor Henry said. “Let us be ready to move into action.”
Pastor David Celis (right), president of the Southeast Mexican Union, shares that more tan 9,600 couples, 9,900 singles and 1,100 local churches will be actively involved in the initiative. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
The launch reviewed additional initiatives and resources that will be available to keep members committed to evangelism, discipleship, and retention of new members in 2024.
The comprehensive All the Family in Mission initiative is detailed in a special pamphlet issue for evangelism efforts available to the territory for 2024. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
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