Adventist Social Media Influencers César Martínez and Gaby Chagolla’s dream of visiting the Holy Land came through recently after praying and saving for more than a year, and landing them a television series on Hope Channel Inter-America. [Image: Leslie Torres/HCIA]
January 5, 2024 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, Inter-American Division News
A young Seventh-day Adventist couple from Mexico found an appealing way of following in Jesus’ footsteps: by sharing their dream trip to the Holy Land through what has now become a television series on Hope Channel Inter-America.
When César Martínez, 30, and Gaby Chagolla, 26, got married in 2019, they had one dream: to make the most of their honeymoon by traveling to the Holy Land in Israel to walk on the same places where Jesus walked 2,000 years ago. Unfortunately, they found out they didn’t have enough funds, so they settled for their jobs and for building their savings first.
Cesar and Gaby Martínez hold their passports and boarding passes from Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, Mexico, en route to the Holy Land. [Photo: Courtesy of César and Gaby Martínez]
“We knew that we didn’t want to just have a spiritual experience for ourselves but share it with others,” César said. They devised a plan. They would do the trip and post about it in Gaby’s YouTube Channel Séptima Estación. On that channel, she usually shares Bible verses, spiritual lessons, and positive messages pointing to heaven to her more than 30,000 followers. “I knew that there were many Christians who also had the dream of visiting Jerusalem, and we wanted to make sure the content could get to many people,” Gaby said.
César and Gaby Martínez host their “Pase de Abordar” television series from a spot on the Mount of Olives. [Photo: Screenshot Pase de Abordar series]
After a year of saving every bit they could, they purchased their tickets. With the tickets secured, they began to do more research for their journey and come up with content to share. Pase de Abordar, or Boarding Pass, was the name they came up with for their adventure in Jerusalem.
Part of the Wall surrounding the Old City of Jerusalem.[Photo: Screenshot Pase de Abordar series]
In November 2022, they traveled to Jerusalem and recorded six episodes while visiting Galilee, Bethlehem, the Garden of Gethsemane, and other prominent places in the Bible. Pase de Abordar recently premiered on Hope Channel Inter-America, generating a lot of responses on their social media platforms, the Martínezes shared.
César Martínez speaks during their last episode of the series in front of the Chapel of the Ascension on the Mount of Olives. [Photo: Screenshot from Pase de Abordar series]
Their travel experience included many outstanding moments. “There’s nothing more beautiful than to see the places where Jesus went and experience that confirmation of the historical evidence mentioned in the Bible,” César said. Seeing the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where Solomon’s Temple was built was exciting to him. “It has been the greatest experience of my life. It’s no longer just a notion; on the contrary, it is based on what I saw for myself. My relationship with God has grown.”
Gaby Chagolla places a prayer request on the Little Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem. [Photo: Screenshot from Pase de Abordar series]
The response of Pase de Abordar has been a true blessing. “People have thanked us, have shared that they have watched every episode with their co-workers, friends and families, and have felt they experienced our journey into the Holy Land with us,” she said.
César Martínez takes in the view in front of the Sea of Galilee. [Photo: Courtesy of Cesar and Gaby Martínez]
Gaby Chagolla talks about the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem on episode 4 of “Pase de Abordar” series. [Photo: Screenshot Pase de Abordar series]
Now they have another dream: to come up with a second part to Pase de Abordar.
View of the Damascus Gate featured on episode 5 on Pase de Abordar series. [Photo: Courtesy of Cesar and Gaby Martínez]
To see Pase de Abordar and other on-demand series on Hope Channel Inter-America in English, Spanish, and French, visit