Pastor Josney Rodríguez (second left), ministerial association secretary of the Inter-American Division, sits left to right next to his wife Beny (left of him) profesional assistant, Denise Johnson, professional assistant, Pastor Leonard Johnson, executive secretary, and Meriviana Ferreyra, professional assistant, speaks as the communion service begins during the end of Inter-American Division’s Annual Pastoral Family Week of Prayer, Feb. 2, 2024, in Miami, Florida, United States. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
Thousands of pastors and their families across the Seventh-day Adventist Church throughout the Inter-American Division (IAD) vowed to re-commit their lives to God as they continue to minister to their congregations. Families took part in a special communion service in the comfort of their homes as the Annual Pastoral Family Week of Prayer ended Feb. 2, 2024.
“We wanted to seal this week of prayer differently,” said Pastor Josney Rodríguez, ministerial association secretary of the IAD. “We have never done it this way, but today we have been united in faith. God has spoken to our hearts and together we have made a new commitment to Him, by partaking of the Lord’s Super which represents an intimate union with Him.”
Pastoral families across the IAD partake of the communion service from the comfort of their home, Feb. 2, 2024. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
This year’s guest speaker was Pastor Pavel Goia, associate ministerial director of the Ministerial Association of the General Conference and editor for Ministry Magazine.
Pastors and their families connect and take part in the annual pastoral week of prayer this year. The annual event took place Jan. 28 to Feb. 2, 2024. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
Pastor Pavel Goia, associate ministerial director of the General Conference and Editor of Ministry Magazine, was the guest speaker during this year’s pastoral family week of prayer. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
Goia’s messages during the week were sprinkled with personal anecdotes and witnessing experiences throughout his life. It’s not enough to go to church and keep the Sabbath, or to eat healthy, he urged. “We must daily die to self, get to know God, and trust Him. It’s about loving Him first and foremost to be better shepherds to others, said Goia.
A pastor and his family connects during the week of prayer Jan. 29 to Feb. 2, 2024. [Photo: IAD Ministerial Association]
Pastor Leonard Johnson, executive secretary of the IAD, urged pastors and their families to spend time together in prayer daily. “You are part of the team of ministerial servants throughout the IAD and we are praying for you to recommit to God every day.”
Cecilia Iglesia, SIEMA coordinator and associate family ministries director and her husband Pastor Pedro Iglesias, family ministries director of the Inter-American Division, speak during a segment on the third night of the annual pastoral family week of prayer, Jan. 31, 2024. [Photo: Libna Stevens/IAD]
“We want our pastoral families to grow in faith and be able to continue motivating their congregations to be clear about the mission as disciples of Jesus even as they face challenges and crises,” said Rodríguez.
The week of prayer kicked off the first of five weeks of initiatives and activities geared toward preparing the family to grow in faith during Inter-America’s “All the Family in Mission,” initiative this year.
A pastoral family takes a photo during the opening night of the week of prayer on Ja. 29, 2024. [Photo: IAD Ministerial Association]